What’s up with this?
Not only does the Pope snub Boston, but he chooses to go to YANKEE STADIUM? At least he could go to Shea.
BALTIMORE — Pope Benedict XVI will visit New York and Washington, D.C., in the spring, but will not come to Boston, the Vatican’s top diplomat in the United States announced this morning.
In his first visit to the United States as pope, Benedict will speak at the United Nations, visit the site of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack in Manhattan, and meet at the White House with President Bush. He will also celebrate Mass at Yankee Stadium in New York and at the new Nationals baseball stadium, which is now under construction in Washington.
This is the last straw! I’m going to convert to Episcopal!
Refusing the victims of his pedophile ring the opportunity to picket him. How…very predictable, actually! I suppose he was afraid of the embarrassment of no one showing up.
…the guy was in the Hitler Youth. It’s only natural that he gravitate towards Yankee Stadium.
Oh, my mistake. The Pope wasn’t in the Hitler Youth. I must have just made that up. Perhaps I have him confused with another Joseph Alois Ratzinger?
…we won’t have to put up with the fawning over the Nazi Feigling that WCVB (channel 5) would certainly do if he came to Boston.
…need the help.
Yankee stadium is going to close after the the 2008 season. Maybe he wanted to see it while he had the chance. Fenway will be around at for at least another decade- I’m sure Dr. Steinberg and the rest of the Sox PR machine will find a way to work the Holy Father into the 2012 Fenway Park Centennial!
…and that anti-religion rudeness was deemed acceptable in Progressive circles.
…please do feel free to journey down to NYC to kiss the Nazi Feigling’s hind quarters.
…someone point a critical eye at religion. Nothing bad has ever happened because of religion.
that “whole” equality thing, way overrated. Now back into the kitchen with you…
…are beyond reproach.
And again, for the record, I’m not a Catholic. But I would never call the Pontiff a Nazi, either. I reiterate, however, that anti-Christian rhetoric is considered not only permissable but desirable by Progressives.
and listening to Cindy Sheehan, I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that anti-Semitic ones are as well.
Too much time at Romney headquarters, PP…you need to get out amongst the people some more.
“Jewish people have put the interests of race over the interests of the American people” — David Duke, winner of 32% of the vote in the 1991 GOP primary for LG of Louisiana
“For thousands of years, religious leaders and cultists have substituted religiosity for realism and fanaticism for truth.” GOP 2004 primary winner and congressional candidate James Hart
…the current Pope was a member of the Hitler Youth. In fact he was also drafted into Nazi military service.
I did not state he is (currently) a Nazi, I said he was (formerly) in the Hitler Youth.
there is a difference, but i don’t expect you to ever acknowledge it. it would be too inconvenient for your schtick.
i know that that one means something to you, Peter, being as you talk the pro-choice line (although you don’t seem to walk it, what with your support of the womb-controller-when-politically-convenient romney).
…the RCCi in not now the business of offing the heretics, like they did with the Cathars (the Albigensian heresy) or the business of laying waste to entire countries that they had been pilaging before.
A minor benefit.
if any place could use a heavy-duty exorcism, it’s probably Yankee stadium…
Ironically enough, this atheist considers herself blessed.
…politicians and similar low-lifes like to tie up traffic at the most inopportune times. A Nazi Feigling like Pope Ratzi is among the similar low-lifes.