Check out the Boston Globe today for an article written by Maria Sacchetti about how Everett (where I grew up – Go Tide!) is trying to take Homeland Security money away form Cambridge and Chelsea because they have declared themselves “sanctuary” cities for illegal aliens.
Does this have any merit? Maybe (gee I sound like clinton…)
Does it have a chance? Not a shot in hell.
Will there be more resolutions like this coming? Likely
BTW – my position on some immigration issues
Fence – No
Driver Licenses – No
In-state tuition – No
Deportation for all – No
Path to citizens ship for some – Yes
Undocumented workers – no
Illegal Aliens – yes
What is your opinion?
Please share widely!
First, I think “Homeland Security” and federal homeland security money is BS anyway, but that’s a different thread.
Second, the article admits there are no metrics to measure the economic impact illegal immigration has had (positive or negative) on Everett. So readers of the article have no idea if the Everett guy has a legitimate gripe or if he’s just playing of people disdain for immigrants, legal or otherwise. their opinions will most likely reflect their existing stances on illegal immigration.
And what, exactly, does Everett plan on doing with Cambridge’s and Chelsea’s money? Will Everett be less susceptible to the Islamo-fascists plan for a world-wide caliphate? Like, when Cambridge and Chelsea are ruled by Mullahs, will Everett still be a beacon for democracy?
Hire these guys!
Everett can put Homeland Security Funds to good use. It is a major port of entry for among other things liquefied natural gas and has more than a few very large tanks filled with it. To me that qualifies for some money…
That being said it is a very big stretch to say that Chelsea and Cambridge should kick in some money because they have declared themselves sanctuary cities.
But Homeland Security is more of a business entity in the business of making rich people richer and making people feel safer rather than actually making people safer.