Today’s article in the Globe, O’Malley draws line with Democrats, O’Malley calls Dems a scandal certainly raises the bar in the canonical field of the red hatted pot calling the secular kettle black. His eminence is quoted as saying ” Acknowledging that Catholic voters in Massachusetts generally support Democratic candidates who are in favor of abortion rights”, O’Malley said, “I think that, at times, it borders on scandal as far as I’m concerned.” Under the legal standards for testifying as an expert in court, O’Malley certainly qualifies. His in depth research and practice in how an institution, the Catholic Church, can protect predatory pedophiles qualifies him to speak expertly on what a scandal is. The problem here, as with the experts called into court to support intelligent design, is that he doesn’t have a factual leg to stand on.
I would be pleased if no more abortions were ever performed. That can only happen, however, when each individual woman makes that decision. It is her decision as a matter of her humanity. It is not the decision of the withering, dysfunctional organization represented by O’Malley. I do not believe that human life begins at conception. I understand that other persons may sincerely believe otherwise. You have to acknowledge, though, when you couple the Roman Catholic Church’s abortion position with their adamant opposition to: birth control, women in the clergy and an almost pathological fear of priests being allowed to marry, well something other than a belief in the sanctity of life is going on here. When O’Malley gives thanks next Thursday, at the top of his list should be the fact that, unlike the early church, bishops are no longer elected.
It’s really touching how O’Malley places a higher value on embyos than on those who are already alive. If he’s going to say its a scandal to vote for a Democrat, surely it is a wee bit disturbing for him to see people vote for candidates who push for endless war, which is being paid for by passing on debt to the lower classes of this country? Surely he must see some scandal in a country that has so much wealth, yet deprives children of health care? Perhaps the half million dead Iraqis have a different view of scandal?
Then maybe O’Malley should either stay out of politics, or simpy come out and say that both parties are scandalous? Otherwise he’s just a big fat lying hypocrite.
After the bishops were finally caught running an underground railroad for pedophiles, how can these guys think they have any credibility?
Outlawing birth control was ridiculous and lost the magisterium half of its adherents, but thousands of people died and lives were ruined by predatory priests and the response of, not O’Malley, but hundreds of other bishops. The Church teaches that life is valuable, the quality of life matters not at all.