I promised a while back not to post any more on the Laguer affair (I can’t link to the promise–it seems to have been a reply to a post that was removed?), but I am just curious to know why we haven’t heard from Laguer’s camp regarding his request for clemency. Apparently, Laguer is seeking a commutation of his sentence rather than an outright pardon. What information have Laguer’s lawyers put in front of the governor? Can anyone post a copy of the petition?
According to Governor Patrick’s guidelines for the use of his clemency power, a commutation is granted “rarely, if ever,” in sex offense cases where the petitioner has not participated in sex offender treatment. Has Laguer participated in sex offender treatment while in prison? (I suppose that it makes sense to waive this condition if Laguer’s claim is actual innocence, but then, why ask for a commutation rather than a pardon?)
And does this mean that Laguer has concluded that he has no real possibility of a judicial remedy?