Its pretty clear Mr. Gore will not be jumping into the race. He just joined the Board of a big venture capital firm and probably feels he can do more on climate change outside politics than back in it again.
But, I wonder if he’s gonna drop a bombshell and endorse someone in the run up to the primaries? There are endorsements and there are endorsements and given his great year (Nobel and Oscar) and popularity his could make some major waves. He endorsed Dean in 2004 (of course when Dean was hot) and gave him some establishment credibility – dissing his VP Lieberman and Kerry (who endorsed Gore in 2000 after deciding not to run himself) in the process. Ultimately it didn’t really matter for Dean one way or the other.
But, Gore is much more popular now than then. And the timing could be huge if he were to give a boost to a Clinton alternative. Obviously he was Clinton’s VP but it seems like that frienship is dead and if tales are true, he and Hillary never got on. Gore may choose this time as a chance to stick it to her. Or maybe he’ll get back on the Clinton bandwagon. I doubt it though. Thoughts???
Whenever I think of Gore endorsing someone, I cannot picture it to be anyone other than Obama. The two seem to fit well together. (Gore/Obama ’08 would have been great…)
Gore seems to be anti-Establishment lately, and a Hillary endorsement is what the Democratic establishment is demanding. Even though he endorsed Dean in December ’03 when he was leading in the polls, Dean was still not leading among the Democratic establishment.