I am also pleased to inform you all that my blogging compatriot, three others, and myself will all be members of the Waltham City Democratic Committee (assuming we each get at least one vote in the Feb 5th primary): the 7th precinct Ward Committee, to be exact. Thank you to dgadams for the inspiration to run in the first place.
While Innermost Parts will not be officially affiliated with our committee work by any means, and most of you have no connection to Brandeis University, I am excited by our work over the last few months, and I hope you are too.
We welcome and encourage any comment, suggestions for improvement, criticism, etc.
Please share widely!
One of my former students is a freshman at Brandeis majoring in Poli Sci/Int Rel. I wonderful if there’s another Alex involved in this from central Mass? He has blogging experience, as well, and was a legendary rabble rouser in these parts….
Do you mean Alex Norris?
p>He has a new site up too: http://uponthegears.com/
they’re on our blogroll and had a site launch today, actually.
I’ll have to check it out. đŸ™‚
p>I was Alex’s English teacher, Independent Study advisor for the political newsletter he wrote for the school, and advisor to the Young Politicians Club he led. Spent a lot of quality time with Alex, including attending the Deval Patrick Inauguration and Youth Inaugural with another student whose name happens to be the same as another who commented on your blog, Adam Hughes.
Small world!
there’s another Alex from central Mass at Brandeis?
You going to be at Jan 10th WDCC meeting with LG Tim Murray? The meetings are open to any Democrat registered in Waltham, and any Brandeis democrats are also invited.
p>For you guys it would be a good chance to meet with the current W7 committee members if you haven’t already.
I’ll be home in upstate new york, and I think everyone else will be too. Break starts in a few days…
It’s always good to see activism blooming at my alma mater, so best wishes …
p>It’s also great to have the #2 college basketball team in Division III! Go Judges!
p>A little balance in life is always important ….