Reversing the damage caused by the rogue Bush administration requires a person of stature, consummate ability, and global respect. America for Gore is convinced that Al Gore is the person with the experience and the character to accomplish this task.
America for Gore supports the fight against Global Warming and related environmental threats. We will vigorously promote Gore’s substantial vision in the days and months ahead to the official platform of the Democratic candidate. Our goal continues to be Gore’s nomination as their presidential candidate.
AFG recognizes that Al Gore is busy now with the urgent work of organizing governments and NGOs to help stop environmental degradation. We look forward to the results of the Bali conference and look forward to his participation in the 2008 political campaign in whatever form he deems appropriate. The field of early candidates has paid mere lip service to the climate crisis and it is clear that none of the existing candidates can deliver the programs and diplomatic efforts that are desperately needed to save the planet.
America for Gore is working to create new and efficient ways to aid Gore’s many supporters succeed in promoting candidates at national, state and local levels who are pursuing Gore’s broad and visionary mission for the people of America and the world.
Oh my.
p>I always found some of the Draft Gore folks a little too fanatical about their candidate. The savior-like status to which they elevate this man and the rhetoric they used to describe a kind of divine infallibility always struck me as a bit creepy. Then the deadline for the New Hampshire primary came and went and even the most dedicated Draft Gore supporters I knew gave up the effort. Turns out there’s at least a few holdouts . . .
p>Americans for Gore still has enough people to form a Steering Committee? I really hope this committee consists of no more than Lspinti and Mr. Schiller, huddled in a living room, praying to DVD copies of An Inconvenient Truth. I desperately want a Democrat elected in 2008, and perhaps this is news to Americans for Gore, but we can only elect people who choose to put their name on the ballot. The mere thought a more than two Democrats investing in such a futile effort makes me want to curl up in a fetile position and cry myself to sleep.
p>Silly me. I thought a group calling itself “Americans for Gore” would confine itself to drafting Al Gore for President. Oh, how wrong I was . . .
p>There’s a multitude of organizations you could join that promote the very agenda you’re putting forward. A political organization under the name of one man? Folks, your drifting dangerously into Lyndon LaRouche territory here.
p>Let me get this straight. Al Gore is the person best suited to “[reverse] the damage caused by the rogue Bush administration” in part because he has so much “consummate ability”. But at the same time, he apparently does not have enough “consummate ability” to see he is this person.
p>This says it all: “Our goal continues to be Gore’s nomination as their presidential candidate.” That statement requires such a tenuous grasp on reality it would make a Global Warming denier begrudgingly jealous.
p>I stand to be corrected, by I’m sensing from this paragraph that Americans for Gore is hoping for a Gore third-party run. Of course, they can’t say so outright because of the justifiable backlash it would cause. The denigration of every other Democratic candidate’s environmental platform as “mere lip service” and that none of the existing candidates will be able to “save the planet” is embarrassing hyperbole, not to mention inaccurate. I doubt Al Gore would ever make such a claim.
p>See what I mean about the rhetoric? You would think Gore was on some divine “mission”. My guess is the more reasonable members of the Draft Gore movement have since moved on, and it was only the few True Believers left to craft this press release. How sad.
Greg, no actually America For Gore still has quite a large national steering committee consisting of folks from all over the country and the group is still having conference calls almost every week.
p>Now I agree with some of your points, I would have written this press release somewhat differently, but make no mistake that there is an army of Gore supporters out there;
yes many are in a holding pattern at this point, but there is still a Gore right-in effort going on in New Hampshire
and a brokered convention isn’t that far fetched given the 3- way split among the front runners.
p>Gore absolutely isn’t going to run third party and the draft movement isn’t promoting that, but we are committed to holding the door open for a Gore candidacy for 2008 or for the future because we still believe he is the best candidate that the Democratic party could put forward this time, especially if it is interested in winning!
p>And remember that this is the most wide-open presidential
cycle probably that most of us have seen in our life time and anything can still happen.
…Secretary of the Interior in a Dem administration, but he isn’t going to be the Dem candidate for the presidency this time around.
Yes, I think we should be supporting Al Gore, but not in a run for the presidency. We should be supporing him in his efforts to fight global warming. It will take more than the election of a Democratic President to make sure that his and others’ efforts are successful. For example, Congress and state legislatures have to start passing legislation that really will have an effect on global warming. Al Gore can make that happen more effectively by doing what he is doing right now; educating and organizing people around the globe about this very important issue.
The Gore supporters are not just supporting the idea of a Gore presidency, but are also supporting his efforts at combatting global warming, and promoting his other visionary positions as well as supporting candidates for congress who are philosophically aligned with Gore.
p>Sorry to be cruel, but wishin doesn’t make it real.
What I don’t say here, I say here.