…do a google search for “cats with guns” and you’ll be surprised what you find. Or just go to Hilzoy’s Obsidian Wings site.
p>I saw a pic over the Internet of a dog mounting a cat, but I can’t find the link now. The cat was not amused.
I remember when Barry wrote for the Philadelphia Inquirer. He did a hilarious column about the folly of arms negotiations between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. where the countries had agreed to forego development of future weapons that they might have decided to produce at some point in time. . . . The detail that still makes me chuckle was a soviet pledge to refrain from creating a weapon that would turn our past Presidents into “small, unattractive washbasins.”
p>At one of the ’80s national political conventions, Barry also led a demonstration by a group called, “People with paper bags on their heads.” I clipped the picture and put it on the fridge before I knew he was the mastermind behind it.
p>I wish he had stayed in the north country, and kept his political humor sharpened.
…do a google search for “cats with guns” and you’ll be surprised what you find. Or just go to Hilzoy’s Obsidian Wings site.
p>I saw a pic over the Internet of a dog mounting a cat, but I can’t find the link now. The cat was not amused.
I remember when Barry wrote for the Philadelphia Inquirer. He did a hilarious column about the folly of arms negotiations between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. where the countries had agreed to forego development of future weapons that they might have decided to produce at some point in time. . . . The detail that still makes me chuckle was a soviet pledge to refrain from creating a weapon that would turn our past Presidents into “small, unattractive washbasins.”
p>At one of the ’80s national political conventions, Barry also led a demonstration by a group called, “People with paper bags on their heads.” I clipped the picture and put it on the fridge before I knew he was the mastermind behind it.
p>I wish he had stayed in the north country, and kept his political humor sharpened.
This made me go look up the Menino vs. Romney commercial that made me spit coffee on my screen back in July.
p>Also… Dave Barry has worked for the Miami Herald since 1983 (see the bio on his web site) but the column was syndicated nationwide.