Ironically, we received this happy news at the same time that dog track owners sat in the Gardner Auditorium on Beacon Hill, waiting to testify in support of legalizing slot machines at their facilities. Their proposal would require that dog racing continue in order to operate slot machines, and would subsidize dog races with millions in slots profits.
According to the Secretary of State, volunteers collected nearly 80,000 certified signatures for the Greyhound Protection Act, far more than the necessary amount. We are especially proud of the fact that every one of these signatures was collected by a volunteer, and we are the only campaign that successfully collected the necessary signatures with an all-volunteer effort.
I want to thank everyone on BMG who helped with the signature gathering campaign. Because of your hard work, we are one step closer to ending an industry that causes thousands of dogs to endure lives of nearly endless confinement, and hundreds of dogs to suffer serious injuries such as broken bones, paralysis, and instant death.
We look forward to working with you in the months ahead as we fight for this humane law. Until then, celebrate this victory for the greyhounds.
Carey Theil
I really think, this time around, it could very well pass (especially with the public remembering the whole Michael Vick thing).
p>Millions of us have dogs. Millions of us are dog lovers. There’s no room to be a dog lover and supporter of greyhound racing, in my view.
p>It will still take a tremendous effort, but greyhound racing is a dying industry in this state anyway, we may as well stick a fork in ‘m and save a few thousand dogs while we’re at it.
…of extending this law to Irish Setters strapped to the roof of a station wagon?
A national bus service is critical for the future.
p>Psssst… it’s a joke. Maltreatment of dogs ain’t cool.
They are certainly giving the dirty dog a run for its money between Boston and New York.
p>(I love the joke. I only regret you got here first!)