The Boston Herald has endorsed John McCain for president. Mostly it’s what you’d expect — courage, steady, convictions, all that good stuff. But here’s an interesting passage, in which the Herald gives a big shout-out to Joementum:
This week Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), who was himself on the Democratic presidential ticket in 2000, took the unprecedented step of endorsing McCain in the upcoming Republican primaries. He did so with these words:
“In this critical election, no one should let party lines be a barrier to choosing the person we believe is best qualified to lead our nation forward. The problems that confront us are too great, the threats we face too real, and the opportunities we have too exciting for us to play partisan politics with the presidency.”
The Boston Herald agrees. And so this newspaper too will break with its decades-old tradition of endorsing candidates in both the Republican and Democratic primaries. In doing so we also address our words particularly to those millions of independent voters here, in New Hampshire and around the nation who can choose to cast their ballot in either party primary.
The choice this year is indeed clear. John McCain should be the next president of the United States and the Boston Herald is proud to endorse his candidacy.
You know, in some respects McCain is the best of the Republicans. At least he’s against torture, and he’s sane on immigration. But the claim that he is so far superior to any of the Democrats that the Herald can’t even bring themselves to back one of them — apparently for the first time in recent years — seems a bit, well, over the top.
Those Herald editors. So melodramatic!
pers-1756 says
…the best neoconservative for president, which with Giuliani flaming out, is McCain.
mcrd says
McCain stance on immigration boggles the mind, but considering the remainder of the lot running—-I guess I will send him a check. Romney and Guliani have imploded and Richardson is the only democrat that has a clue, but he would wave the magic wand and give everyone in the southern hemisphere US citizenship. No Thanks.
kbusch says
I don’t think neo-conservatives have much of a position on immigration. Don’t they mostly care about foreign policy. What do the Weekly Standard and Commentary say about immigration?
nomad943 says
If you watched any of the GOP debates you must have noticed that he actualy starts to drool when he gets to talk about the “opportunity” to bomb Iran ….
Im not certain that the “MAVERICK” McCain (after all he did ALMOST say he beleived in evolution, what a Mavarick) isnt completly insane. Umm , kind of like someone else we know and love and the Herald and Joementum support ….
elias says
what he won’t do is shilly shally around looking for excuses, he’ll just nuke em’ and that’ll be that. The diff between McCain and the rest of the asylum escapees is that he thinks he can start and finish the war THE RIGHT WAY.
p>Other than that he is an ill tempered old senate blowhard who hasn’t got the brains god gave a bag of hammers.
fairdeal says
so will mitt try to explain away this major dis from his hometown paper by trying to pass off to the unknowing, that the boston herald is just a bunch of disgruntled massachusetts liberals and democratic sychophants?
pablo says
They watched Mitt govern for four years. Beneath the polished rhetoric designed to portray purpose and commitment was an absentee governor that made us long for Bill Weld’s work ethic.