The MSM have already crossed Gravel off the list and I fear that Kucinich will be next. The MsM don’t like truthtellers – look at what they did to Howard Dean! It is for that reason, not because of low poll numbers or underwhelming fundraising amounts, that MSNBC and CNN barred Gravel from recent televised debates, and probably will soon bar Kucinich, thereby effectively disappearing them from the political landscape. We must counteract this act of dishonesty…somehow.
I am an invalid and shut-in, and I don’t have a whole lot of news gathering power. Nor can I do much besides blog. This is why I’m asking, not only for responses, but for suggestions on how to bring Kucinich/Gravel to the forefront of voters’ attention.
The time to act is now! Let us unite to elect the ticket of change, renewal and hope!
Let me say that I like Kucinich. But the reason why he will never be more than a marginal candidate for president is that he does not come off as presidential (and that is putting it kindly).
p>But what is your fascination with Gravel? Just a grumpy old nonsensical quack. And a “real” democrat would not propose a national sales tax. Talk about stringing up the poor…
I am a Kucinich supporter and I have accepted the fact that he will not be the president of the United States because our current system of capitalism gone wild is too broken and too corrupt to ever allow it.
p>That said, I still wear my Kucinich button and sing his praises not because of him but because of the issues and truth he speaks out on.
p>As for Gravel, I agree he was banned because of bias but at the same time I do not think he is that organized, and I doubt Kucinich would want him as his runningmate even if he could reach the presidency.
p>We should all work to help get Kucinich re-elected as a congressman too (by dispelling the rumors about his time as mayor, etc.), because that is a race he can win!
p>I hope the Kucinich supporters in Iowa, however few there may be, move over to Edwards during their caucuses if kucinich doesn’t get enough people for a delegate.
At least Dennis is lucid most of the time. Geez. Like a Democrat with any social conscience will vote for Gravel. Have you even looked at his social views and voting record? He’s as conservative as they come. Sheesh.
It did not surprise me that this post remains unpromoted. It does surprise, and please, me to find that it has received comments even without being on the front page.
p>I do not have a facination with gravel. While it is true that I don’t agree with some or perhaps many of his ideas, the fact remains that he speaks the truth about many things, including the war and Hillery’s close ties to corporate interests. Furthermore, I resent people calling him crazy or demented. At, this mud was flung by a hillery supporter, and I can’t help thinking that the same may be true here. Of course Gravel must be demented, he doesn’t fall all over himself fauning on Hillery, like Richardson, for example. Excuse me for not taking such ad hominem attacks seriously.
p>As for Kucinich, I don’t know what you’ve watched, but every time I see Kucinich, he conducts himself with dignity, he answers the questions he’s asked, and he has a clear vision of how to repair the dammage done this country by Bush, Cheney and co.
p>I don’t like Edwards. You know, Gravel is the son of millworkers too. But, he doesn’t shove it down everybody’s throat. I’m the son of a millworker. Did I mention that I’m the son of a millworker. And, oh yes, I’m the son of a millworker. That and his obnoxious accent are enough to turn anybody off, without even getting to his policies. President Carter has a charming Southern accent. Bill Clinton has a touch of Dixie in his speech. But, they don’t sound like Edwards! Yes, I know that may seem petty and superficial, but we’re buying a package here. Policies, appearance, sound. To be blunt, I don’t want someone who sounds like a sharecropper being the face of America to the world.
p>And, now that I’ve offended everyone on the blog and probably guarrentteed that No one will ever read my posts, much less take them seriously again, TTFN.
I voted for Kucinich in the MA 2004 primary after Dean dropped out. I like his unabashed and unwavering support for his principles.
p>I was intrigued early on by Gravel’s run, but he has been a horrible messenger. I understand there’s a lot to be angry about, but his yelling and attacking in the debates has been childish. He comes across much better in interviews. He should have spent the little time he received in the debate stalking about his specific policy proposals instead of verbally abusing Clinton, Obama, and Edwards.