Four hours. Piece of crap, 2nd attempt to install software. Crashed halfway through on the first attempt. FT4KL-TQC2-PZ48B-QM666-SEIG-HEIL-666.
“You may now activate your software via the internet”.
I think not, last time I did that it wiped out three highly useful engineering progams and I spent three days on the phone trying to restore. Even the techno-geeks didn’t have an answer. Felt like an idiot trying to run something in the lab that ran just fine last week. NPI,negative productivity intitative.
This company gives you “upgrades” four times a year. It was a good thing though as the email saying not to install the latest “upgrade” actually preceeded receipt of the “upgrade”.
Lucky I’m not in charge, these people, far from Boy Scouts would get anti-trusted into oblivion.
IMHO no other “industry” does more in supporting the subliminal aspects of citizens non-participation in bettering their community life.
Next up…
No, I actually don’t care if it comes from a “hatter site”, I fully take every word as Gospel. Am I smarter than Huckabee?…
Nothing new look up project Eschelon.………
What is real? Well HR 1955 and S 1959, our permanently, positively,prepetually, post 911 world.
More real is an Apocalyptic horse in a lope on 14 inches of new snow. Am I terrified? Yes, I worry about saving my grandson from clueless fanatics in high government positions.
raj says
…you a paying a fortune to be software developers’ beta testers. Software is never out of beta test, no matter what they tell you to the contrary.
p>Somewhat like the pharmaceutical industry. Except maybe for aspirin–that’s been around for a while with few changes.
lasthorseman says
then these people should not be allowed to charge money for it.
Brand new HD DVD player says “Not Play” after inserting season 2 of the Sopranos.
“It” needed a bios “upgrade”.
$5000 company sponsored United Health Care health care plan routinely denies claims. When employees of sponsoring company start emailing discussions about claim denials it appears to be a very common practice. Company then says this is “inappropriate use of company computers”.
HR did get their annual bonus.
p>As the empire declines!
raj says
p>companies such as IBM and DEC would sell you (well your company) a system and charge an annual “maintanance fee” for service and upgrades when problems developed and were fixed. Of course, you were pretty much locked into their applications software and therein laid the problem.
p>The PC revolution changed that a bit–it differentiated between the hardward and the software, so that both suppliers could point fingers at the other for the problem. None would claim responsibility for fixing the problem. Hence my reference to “beta test.”
p>Regarding your HD DVD player, I’m actually surprised that anyone would buy such a thing, at least at this point in time. All you’re going to get is the benefit of watching the same old crap, although maybe a bit clearer.
p>I sympathize with your predicament, though. We have two DVD players (not HD), one older than the other. Over the last few years, we ordered DVD sets of a Showtime series. The first set played perfectly on the older player, the others did not. They all played properly on the newer player. We figured out a work-around so that they would all play properly on the older (it was connected to a larger TV screen).
lasthorseman says
is that they want you “connected” and that future “software” will reside on the internet itself. That way they have access to your entire life in addition to what you do and when and they get to charge you for it all!
p>Lacking the proper equipment I am also interested in the subject of subliminal advertizing. With my engineering background I surmise it is far easier to imbed subliminals into digitized media.
raj says
…referring to your first paragraph.
p>A couple of years ago, we got a Dell desktop with WinXP Professional and hooked it onto the Internet via fiber optic. The speed is nice, but every once in a while it insists on downloading updates over night and forcing a restart. I hate that–I want to know what is going on with my computer and I want to be able to control it. At least they could ask my permission before doing a re-start, since I sometimes have stuff in preparation before they do the restart.
p>On your second paragraph regarding subliminal advertising, I do suspect that you are being a bit excessively paranoid. That’s a hold-over from the 1960s movie and TV era, and those were certainly not digital. It used to be supposed, for example, that movie theaters would try to increase their candy counter sales through subliminal ads inserted into movies while they were being projected. There was no evidence of that (and no evidence that it would have worked, since people were already in the auditoriums) but the suppositions were funny as heck.
p>What is amusing is the way that advertisers get products “subliminally advertised” by way of product placement directly into movies and TV programs. Eventually, that will go by the wayside, too, as people catch on to what’s going on.
lasthorseman says
led me in diverse locations and websites. Some of this led into the grey areas of psychology, specifically mind control and the man’s newly acquired technology advances in gigahertz EMF waves. Can I certify that perhaps some of these website generators qualify for psychiatic help, no.
p>I have seen mainstream college students accomplishing a mind computer link using conventional commercial software and off the shelf equipment. The software vendor indeed promoted it. In this case it was about helping people with spinal injuries to control wheelchairs and other devices, a noble thought. Technology is a double edged sword though.
p>DARPA however and their super secret progams are by most accounts ten years ahead of publically released technology.
Have they taken this computer mind link to the next level, the Manchurian Candidate, we can control what, how, when you think level.
p>These are the real issues of this time period in history, not the “issues” M$M media sells you.
syarzhuk says… doesn’t go anywhere useful.
Please fix