Yesterday the New York Times held their own virtual caucus, but only hosted it with Republican leaning voters. I personally believe that’s not fair.
With less than a month ahead, where can Democrats find a place to voice their opinions about the upcoming primaries? Lots of people are claiming that the Republican presidential nomination is up for grabs and is a wide open field. Like that’s not equally true to Democrats.
Facing a highly compressed primary schedule, the focus has been on the handful of early primary states to determine the fate for the rest of the country. I particularly have a problem with that. Although early state voters claim that they take this seriously and are voting in the interest of the country, how can they say that if people are saying that the “National Polls are completely meaningless in predicting the results of New Hampshire, once we know the results from Iowa.”
So let me get this straight, Iowa and NH are the only results that matter? Please, I thought my vote mattered to some degree, and now I’m being told it’s doesn’t at all.
As noted by Chris Bowers on Open Left, “Some people argue that, because of the small sample size, models like these just tell us how past nomination campaigns went, not how future ones will go.”
I hope that’s the case because too much is at stake this election cycle to let a handful of voters decide for the rest of us.
Voice your opinion online in a virtual caucus. It’s scheduled for tomorrow, so I know it’s short notice. But it’s easy and it’ll only take a minute. I don’t know about you, but I want to give citizen opinion a fair chance…
peter-porcupine says
…that was no caucus. THAT was an editorial board.
p>Pre-selected people, no discussion. And they just HAPPEN to wind up with the one person who says they’ll vote Democrat. Yeah. Like THAT’D happen at a bona fide GOP caucus. The also managed to find the only GOP in the world who calls himself ‘pro-abortion’ instead of ‘pro-choice’.
p>We’ve held two here in Mass. so far, and another is scheduled in the Worcester County area.