This really is too hilarious.
Standing on stage at a Republican debate on the Gulf Coast of Florida last week, Mitt Romney repeatedly lashed out at rival Rudy Giuliani for providing sanctuary to illegal immigrants in New York City.
Yet, the very next morning, on Thursday, at least two illegal immigrants stepped out of a hulking maroon pickup truck in the driveway of Romney’s Belmont house, then proceeded to spend several hours raking leaves, clearing debris from Romney’s tennis court, and loading the refuse back on to the truck.
In fact, their work was part of a regular pattern. Despite a Globe story in Dec. 2006 that highlighted Romney’s use of illegal immigrants to tend to his lawn, Romney continued to employ the same landscaping company – until today. The landscaping company, in turn, continued to employ illegal immigrants.
Two of the workers confirmed in separate interviews with Globe reporters last week that they were in the country without documents. One said he had paid $7,000 to a smuggler to escort him across the desert into Arizona; the other said he had come to the country with a student visa that was now expired. Both were seen on the lawn by either Globe reporters or photographers over the last two months.
I love the bit about “clearing debris from Romney’s tennis court.” Could’ve been worse, I suppose — at least he didn’t have them working on the polo grounds.
This article went up on the Globe’s website less than an hour ago. Expecting a blast from the Giuliani campaign … right … NOW!!
UPDATE: And, right on schedule:
Campaigning in Bedford, N.H., Senator John McCain’s first response to reporters asking about the issue was a child-like giggle and what can best be described as an interpretive dance based on the motion of lawnmowers and hedge-clippers.
“I’m more than pleased with the fact that I live in a condominium,” McCain said, before restraining his laughter. “Obviously, it’s amazing, but he may have a perfectly good explanation.” …
The campaign of Rudy Giuliani, who at the GOP debate last week accused Romney of having a “sanctuary mansion” because of the illegal immigrants working on his lawn last year, issued a statement: “I think it speaks for itself.”
Fred Thompson’s campaign also seized on the issue.
“First Mitt Romney was FOR illegal immigrants working on his lawn, and then he was against it, then for it, and now I guess he’s against it again,” spokesman Todd Harris said in a statement. “Sounds like his position on amnesty.”
I’m betting on a Romney-Tancredo ticket. Looks like these two hypocritical peas belong in the same pod.
How can Mitt Romney secure the borders if he can’t secure his front yard?
source:Boston Globe
..until January, this guy had a state police car and officer parked in his driveway.
Our state police aren’t authorized to detail illegal aliens, are they?
Only 30 troopers would have been involved in Mitt’s plan, but it does make a nice headline doesn’t it.
…last yer, the State Police detail DID question those workers, and were shown documentation that saisfied them. Unlike the Globe, they did question everybody, however – not just Guatemaleans.
I thought Mitt’s quiverful of sons was supposed to be backing dad all the way. I would have thought that after the first embarrassing episode of illegal servants, the Romney lads would have wanted to prevent any further oopses by pushing the mower for dad. At least until the election was over. But maybe it never even crossed their minds that this type of work is something they could or should do. Either way, sad.
p>Personally, however, I want to thank Romney for creating jobs in the Commonwealth, and opening them to all able-bodied comers. He does understand the economic plight of the undocumented worker after all. And the free market. Despite the slack behavior of his sons reflecting poorly on their father, I will give him a second, serious look with fresh eyes.
Now that the Globe has blown the lid off Landscapegate, I am wondering if the newspaper could use its investigative resources to determine the true identities of the culinary staff that prepared the latkes and applesauce for the Romney headquarters’ celebration of the first night of Hanukkah.
p>According to the campaign blog of the Romney brothers , Five Brothers Romney Campaign, the sons employed one Julie Blinbaum to prepare the latkes and applesauce. However, my spies in the Romney campaign claim that three illegal Jewish immigrants from Russia actually prepared the Hanukkah meal for the Romney volunteers and staff. Come on Boston Globe, get to it. Inquiring minds want to know!!
p>I am curious why didn’t Romney just send two of his five sons off the campaign trail for a weekend to rake the leaves, clean debris off the tennis court, and dump the refuse at the town dump? Alternatively, he could have hired a couple of kids from Belmont High School at illegal immigrant wages to complete the landscaping work? I mean Mitt’s grounds may be spacious by middle-class standards, but they are hardly the acreage of a Rockefeller mansion.
p>Well, I guess Mitt’s sons will have the plenty of time to get to know the pleasures and pains of shoveling the driveway and walkways of the Romney home soon enough (probably soon after the results of the NH or SC primaries). Or should we assume Mitt has outsourced this household job to illegal immigrants as well? Get on the case, Boston Globe!
David, I thought you were an undocumented worker type of guy?
You’re coverage of this, David. Migration is the Gay Marriage of 2008.
After last year – the owner promised, in no uncertain terms, to verify as he is legally required to do. Romney gave him a second chance (the fiend!). Now, the company has been fired.
p>Now, the owner either slipped up or was given bad ID. Or, the Globe slipped the guy a twenty to say he was smuggled (do we have any attempt to verify that?). Since Deval (hey, thanks!) termined the agreement with ICE, the guy will be fired and vanish into the woodwork.
p>Nobody in their right mind thinks Mitt knew about this – and Frudy Mac are going to have a tough time making an issue out of something that may have happened to every homeowner who has put on a roof, or had a kitchen updated, or a driveway plowed. People identify with this.
I can hear it now. “Mitt talks tough on illegals, but he doesn’t mind having them sweep the leaves off his private tennis court at his Belmont manse.”
p>Yeah, people really identify with that. It’s so hard to find someone to sweep your tennis court properly.
If it had been a roofing contractor, would you have that same level of snarkiness?
p>Or are you just jealous that Mitt HAS a tennis court?
….the pass the first time, because, afterall, it wasn’t his responsibility to check the personnel files of his gardner. But lets face it, he’s RUNNING FOR PRESIDNET and pounding his chest about illegal immigration all the while. It wasn’t a swell second chance he was dishing out. He should have fired that company and hired one that charges twice as much. That, of course, as everyone knows, is the only way not to ensure that undocumented workers aren’t cutting your lawn. It is really that rampant in the landscaping business. Everyone knows it. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. And most certainly, he knows it. He deserves every ounce of egg on his face.
p>The Romney apoligia chorus has reached embarrasing proportions.
But do you think the rubes’ll buy it?
Deval’s home, could we expect the same sort of comments coming from you?
you can fit about six of Mitts house into Devals!
Wonder if the Globe has looked there?
…Patrick is not a rabid, chest thumping, send em all home panderer when it come to illegal immigration. Romney’s platform is germane to the criticism.
p>As you can see here the Globe did report Patrick’s having used non-union contractors to build that home, because it was relevant given Patrick’s pro-union stance.
p>Context matters.
The Romney story? Front page.
p>The Patrick story? Page 3 of the City and Region section
“Patrick is not a rabid, chest thumping, send em all home panderer when it come to illegal immigration”
p>When has he gone on record? Usually, he says it’s a Federal issue and none of his concern.
…let’s see….
p>He is on record as saying it is none of his concern, hardly the position of a chest thumper, he put the kabosh on Romney’s plan to lease our State Police out the the Feds and he was very vocal about how he felt things should be handled after the raid in New Bedford.
p>Non of this adds up to chest thumping, does it. See, in order to be a chest thumper you actually have to spend some time thumping your chest. Patrick hasn’t, so by definition he is not one.
p>Not complicated.
p>Romney acted like a moron by keeping this company in his employ and the best any of his shrinking legion of apologizers can do is hope to deflect the criticism by pointing fingers elsewhere.
Deval has always been pro-immigrant and supporting equal civil rights for immigrants and citizens. He was on the record many times supporting McCain-Kennedy and the subsequent similar proposals. And quick search found me this page… where it covers his support for in-state tuition for all Massachusetts residents regardless of immigration status and supporting access to driving license. I don’t think there’s any question on this issue where he stands.
If Willard is still employing illegal immigrants outside the house, why not inside as well. Perhaps also on the campaign itself, either directly or as subcontractors? Who is cleaning their campaign offices, for example, or repairing their office equipment. For heavens sakes, how do we know that all of the key staff are even citizens? Might there be, for example, some Canadians lurking about. The mind reels.
The real sad thing is that this poor Mexican immigrant had to pay $7,000 to get smuggled into the US. At the minimum wage Mitts people were paying him his first few months of work were essentially modern day indentured servitude. I can’t believe this happens in America and its just another reason while amnesty with better enforcment, more open yet more transparent borders, is essential to ensuring that these peoples American tragedies can become their promised American dreams.
You’re right. And, put this real tragedy on the doorsteps of the Boston Globe. Great editors. Lament the liberal causes, but bury the real victim in order to suit your agenda.
…indeed. They did afterall report the information that you are claiming was burried.
p>Seriously, here’s the policy question: should an individual who hires a company, seek to determine if any of the company’s employees are illegally in the US. Pretty damn simple a question.
p>You don’t see that question in the Globe article. You do see the headline though. BTW, Iran doesn’t have a nuclear weapons program; World leaders are meeting in Bali to talk about global warming; Fat people live longer than thin but sedentary people….front page worthy, no. Because, the Globe, when it comes to Mitt Romney moves its editorial page to page 1. Here’s an issue: forget about whether illegals should have drivers licenses, but consider if the Globe should have its journalism license pulled.
…the question is whether a rabid, chest thumping send em all home immigration policy pandering politician who knows that the company he is employing has a history of employing undocumented workers should continue to employ that company. Your question was already answered. It wasn’t Romney’s responsibility in the first instance. But then he found out they hired undocumented workers. He made the decision to continue their employ. Considering his very clear political position that was a bad move. Goes to judgment and is relevant.
p>The “let’s all try to deflect the criticism of Romney by lamented the sad state of journalism” ploy is impotent. What goes on the Front Page is hardly the most relevant issue. What matters is what is covered. Somehow they managed to report on Iran, Bali, and the fat/fit study.
p>In other words, newspapers should just randomly place news on paper, because so long as the story’s covered, it doesn’t matter where it’s printed. Front page gets just as much attention as page 10. Ok.
…I didn’t say that. But it is the Globe’s front page and they run what? What will sell the most papers. Not what is most newsworthy. It has been that way for quite some time now. Something the Herald knows about as well.
p>It is unfortunate but newspapers don’t really sell anymore. People read them online now, where every article is listed on page one.
p> The front page gets the money article and like it or not, Romney being stupid sells in Boston.
I would much rather have illegal immigrants learning how to drive and obtaining driving licenses (which would also mean we know where they are) than having illegal immigrants WITHOUT drivers licenses still driving on the roads.
of the personal money that Romney is putting into his campaign, he wouldn’t pay to make sure that this didn’t happen. He got burned one year ago for exactly the same issue, with the same company.
p>Never mind the hypocrisy of Romney’s anti-immigration posturing, his campaign should never have let this happen.
p>Romney is worth an estimated $250+ million, yet he can’t find someone to rake his leaves that won’t punch holes in his WH run.
…Romney fired his lawn care operation, in the middle of December, when there is no need of lawn care–just look outside.
p>When he hires his next lawn care company, what is he going to do to ensure that they aren’t hiring illegal/undocumented immigrants? By that time, he’ll either have the nomination (unlikely), or he won’t–so what’s the issue?
p>This entire thing by Romney is a complete and total charade. A kabuki dance. Pardon my French, but it’s funny as hell. Are American people really so stupid that they can’t see through the charade?
p>Um, apparently, they are.
Our landscapers were out clearing leaves until the snow fell. They also do snow clearing during winter.
…actually, this issue regarding Romney would be rather silly, were it not for the fact that he himself made illegal immigration an issue in his campaign.
p>A very smart lady once told me, after I moved to MA, be careful what you say: it will likely come back to haunt you.