On signing statements, the differences are also huge.
For example, John McCain believes that the president is not above the law; Mitt Romney believes the president IS above the law.
Republican John McCain says that if he is elected president, he would consider himself bound to obey treaties because they are “the law of the land.” But Mitt Romney says he would consider himself free to bypass treaties if they “impinge” on his powers as commander in chief.
For the entire article on signing statements, go to:
Going through the survey, question by question, makes clear that Mitt Romney as president would not be subject to law, the congress, or any checks and balances at all.
Franklin said
Wikiquote sez:
p>At least according to that source, Amber’s version is closer.
Check the full survey. My read of Question 7 and the answers is that former Gov. Mitt Romney is the ONLY candidate, Republican or Democrat to come right out and say yes to torture even if expressly against the law.
p>Peter – tell me it ain’t so!