Latvian cardinal Janis Pujats is calling on candidates for prime minister to state whether they are
ready to defend the Latvian nation against the invasion of homosexuality in public life?…Are they ready to block the way in parliament to any bill that propagates immorality?”
Further, he stated that a candidate not a
“stern advocate of the people’s moral values, must neither run nor be nominated for prime minister.”
Thus, only homophobes need apply.
Latvia has been the scene of much vitriolic anti-gay activity in recent years. Much of it has been the handiwork of the protestant Alexey Ledyaev and his American buddies*. But Pujats has been doing his part too. Earlier this year during pride days in Riga he said these pastoral words of love and hope
[homosexuality is] “absolute depravity in sexual behavior” and an “unnatural form of prostitution”.
*Incidentally, Ledyaev’s buddy Scott Lively works for Don Wildmon’s American Family Association. Wildmon endorses Huckabee for president.
“Rev. Wildmon and I share the same values on faith and family, which are key issues for the Republican Party,” Huckabee said in the statement.
I’m sure that the cardinal of Riga will not be surprised that the pope has his back. Like Willard Romney’s bizarre “freedom requires religion and religion required freedom” line, the pope claims that for world peace to reign, ya better not mess with one man one woman marriage (and sex for baby poppin only).
Ya know, it occurs to me that the pope is right. I mean, until the advent of sodomite marriage last decade, the world was just one peaceable kingdom. Lions, lambs, all curled up together. Never was heard a discouraging word.