I never thought I’d be saying this…but I actually feel a pang of pity for Mitt Romney. Yeah, the guy is snake oil, changing his positions on issues faster than a bible belt preacher changes verses. But, the fact that some people, evangelicals, won’t vote for him because he is Mormon is a testament to how lunatic the whole faith debate has gotten in this country. Mormons might not be “mainstream” according to the banger-crowd but all that has to do with is the fact that they haven’t been around very long. Everyone hates the new guys on the block and that just happens to be them.
Mike Huckabee doesn’t believe in evolution and that helps propel him to the head of the pack. Mike Huckabee runs an add that starts with the words “Christian Leader” and that is given a pass. Mitt Romney represents a minority faith with some rather interesting interpretations on Christian scripture and he loses votes for it. Pathetic. Republicans should be ashamed. Let’s face it, all faiths have some hum dinger narratives that can’t be proven.
Hell, I have my own beliefs in God, strong ones, but I am not scared to admit I don’t know the answers. That is what is scary about Huckabee and his electorate – they are sure they know the answers for all of us and want to impose them on us all.
So yes, I have taken some joy in watching Romney the panderer get bitten by the very fundamentalist mouths he sought to feed. But, when it comes down to it, if Huckabee wins Iowa because of anti-Mormon votes that is a sad commentary on the state of America and most especially the GOP.
of religious hypocrisy, i ask him: so how do you like it now that the shoe is on the other foot?
p>mitt doesn’t mind excluding non-religious people from his definition of American. he doesn’t mind saying he’ll forbid women and queers from fully exercising their civil rights because it conflicts with his religious beliefs. so any complaining he does about religious hypocrisy aimed at him is just slightly ironic.
p>i hope he enjoys this dose of his own medicine. if he had not purposefully made his religion a major selling point and decision-making factor in his policies, i would feel differently. but he hasn’t, and so i don’t.
…Unlike Romney and Guiliani, he hasn’t been “surging” long enough to get examined by the media.
p>Romney seems to be suffering from foot-in-mouth disease (his “religion” speech), and Guiliani is a thug, but one of them just might pull it off. McCain might, too, but he’s probably a little too old for the job.