It has been established that mAssachuestts citizens HAVE to buy health insurance.
Check this one out, a university requiring GPS tracking cell phones.…
Here we have Homeboy Security Fire departments.…
An optomistic answer to required cell phones?…
And perhaps another reason we don’t have to worry about “the future”.…
Getting really nasty out there, is it not?
Please share widely!
raj says
Check this one out, a university requiring GPS tracking cell phones.?
lasthorseman says
a microwave oven.
As an engineer I can tell you the scientific line is that radiation is classified into two main types, ionizing and non-ionizing. Ionizing radiation is known to cause cell damage and includes things like X-rays. Non-ionizing is classified, note that definition line is a breaking point.…
p>Now many times in the past man has produced something only to find out it was hazardous later on. In helping my son with his homework I did come across the ancient 1950s practice of X-ray units installed in stores to find out if those new shoes fit properly. I’m not sure but the last unit was removed from the a store in, I think it was 1985.
p>You can be amazed and also frighten your friends by detecting your own microwave oven three rooms away with this device.
p>And I’m always against government spying, a dystopian future based upon George Orwell and or clueless cretins declaring themselves pontiffs and asserting the Satanic cultural norm that it is their Divine God given destiny to tell others what they should do.
p>Forget the atom bomb, cell phones rank higher on the things most destructive to the human race. It is an exercise in galactic stupidity to power up thousands upon thousands of ugly repeater towers for the convienence to talking to others. Most un-green.
raj says
p>You sincerely miss the point. It is probable that most college students will have cell phones anyway. And there are ancient technologies (microphones and earpieces) that can connect to a cell phone mounted on the waistband, that can help keep the cell phone’s radiation away from the brain; I’m sure that you’ve seen people wandering around who are apparently talking to themselves, but who are actually talking to their cell phones.
p>So, address the issue. What is the objection to a college requiring students to have cell phones (which they are likely to have anyway) that include GPS? I can see one possible reason for the college to want to: they can locate a student in case he or she is abducted. I don’t know whether or not that is a significant problem at that college, but I can’t rule it out.
lasthorseman says
I doubt our founding Fathers would have seen the need to require people to have them.
In general I oppose mandates of all kinds. I call it a Satanic meme as it makes norms in the society even if those “norms” are stupid, enviornmentally destructive and or non-productive. By mandating cells phones this institution is promoting not one but two Satanic memes.
First is the acceptance of the mandate itself and the second is the acceptance of Orwellian surveillance technology.
p>Now is my health insurance going to go up if these kids start developing alzheimers symptoms at age fourty?
raj says
p>Did you read the article that you cited regarding Montclair State?
p>It includes just 50 peak voice minutes a month, but unlimited text messaging to any carrier, unlimited campus-based data usage, and student activated emergency GPS tracking.
p>The student determines whether and when to activate the GPS tracker. Not the college. I still do not understand what your objection is.
p>BTW, I know what ionizing radiation is, and I also know that, unlike X-rays, radiation in the microwave bands are not ionizing. Microwave radiation is dangerous because it causes water to boil which is how microwave ovens cook food. No, I would not be stupid enough to put any body part in a microwave oven, since I would not want the water component of said body part to boil.
p>The little spec sheet that you cited regarding the monitoring device was semi-interesting, but I could find nothing to indicate what its sensitivity is. Microwaves (not just microwave ovens) are everywhere.
lasthorseman says
one of the last to stick to my principles and not be seduced by plans or convieniences.
Mandating a piece of technology is not or rather should not be a function of an institution.
p>I have one of those zapchecker things. It is sensitive enough to tell me I need to drive one and a half hours to quiet the meter on it’s most sensitive setting. The device though is sensitive to all electromagtic waves including radio and TV signals.
p>Our ability to generate signals at microwave frequencies is relatively new given the history of man and it would not be the first time we discovered something was dangerous.
centralmassdad says
without a compression fitting?
lasthorseman says
the other car!
raj says
…I wonder how Longhorseman expects to get away from microwaves. They are everywhere. The 900MHz band for cell phones. The bands for digital satellite radio and television. Everywhere. I haven’t tried to do an analysis for flat panel video and computer displays, but I suspect that they are also similarly affected.
p>Longhorseman, to channel Napoleon’s Ghost, they’re coming to take you away, to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time.
centralmassdad says
They’re coming to take me AWAYYYYarrrrghhh!
raj says
centralmassdad says
Complete with the ka-chunk, ka-chunk, ka-chunk percussion and whoopee whistle.
raj says
I had been led to believe it had been withdrawn from distribution shortly after it was released. But quite frankly the song is funny as heck.
p>Remember when you ran away….
p>He’s singing to a dog.
centralmassdad says
to make sure that I was thinking of the right thing.
p>The new remake is Napoleon’s Ghost, the one withdrawn from distribution was by Napoleon XIV, and (I was surprised to learn) was released in 1966.
raj says
…I heard it when it was released and almost broke a rib laughing. I was unaware that the version on iTunes was a remake.