The Mashpee Wampanoag’s show their hand (but only after the Freedom of Information Act required them to) – and guess which finger their holding up for the people of Middleboro and the South Shore – and for the future of Massachusetts when you get right down to it – by invoking the Church Bingo and Las Vegas Night exception – just like the Pequots did in Connecticut!
Just another example of an effective Good Neighbor Policy, brought to you by the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act.
Get the whole story from the Cape Cod Times!
(p.s. before I get angry comments about the doggy in the picture – please understand that no dogs were hurt in the making of this blog posting. This picture is a parody of an iconic 1973 National Lampoon Cover – a publication quite devoted to parody. Apparently, I’ve become old enough to remember when today’s icons were yesterday’s breaking news, and so I while I do recall this cover, I realize a younger generation may have missed it. I personally really like dogs and would never put one in harm’s way. – Gladys)
I love reading your posts… and your website. I wish I had confidence that your side to the casinos in Ma issue will succeed. I am feeling as worried as the dog looks.