I have great admiration for John McCain because he sticks to his beliefs, even when they are not politically popular.
– Jane Swift
p>You mean like McCain’s non-pandering to televangelists?
They distort my pro-life positions and smear the reputations of my supporters because I don’t pander to them, I don’t ascribe to their failed philosophy that money is our message.”
and also referring to them as “agents of intolerance” and then giving a commencement speech at Falwell’s Liberty University 7ish years later?
p>McCain had a strong solid foundation with people like my father — not overly religious, WWII-Vietnam aged [my dad a disabled vet], and strong. Then, he blew it by kowtowing to the Bible thumpers. He blew it.
I’m a space cadet today. This was in response to something else not at all related to this thread or even today’s stuff at BMG.
p>So, ignore, 0 it, delete it, enjoy it, look at it funny. What ev.
Pretty late in the game. As long as the population doesn’t have the time to learn why he’ll be a train wreck in the general, then I think he’ll win. As it stands, I think the media is too enamored with trashing Guiliani (for perfectly legitimate reasons) to explore things like Wayne Dumand. However, they could and that kind of thing could sabotage Huck’s campaign as easily as Guiliani’s mistress’s paid-by-NYC personal driver did. But I still say Huck’s peaked at the right time and will win the primary.
p>(And, at this point – quite unlike a week or two ago – I’m almost rooting for it.)
Has God on his side, fixing his poll numbers! So you KNOW he’ll win!
Huckabee reminds me a lot of the Pat Robertson campaign. He got his people out to the Iowa Caucuses, then he came in close to last in New Hampshhire. Bible-thumpers might be able to affect a caucus, but a NH Republican is more liberterian.
Lucky Hucky is peaking late, but is it late enough? This is prime Dean Peak season…Kerry didn’t start moving until 10 days out from the caucuses, Edwards about 3 days out.
Huck is peaking early enough to get some scrutiny that he wouldn’t be getting otherwise. Like the Dumond case and his 1992 proposal to put people with HIV/AIDS into concentration camps. Among others.
p>Personally, I attribute Jane’s endorsement of Guiliani to sympathy – after all, who understands having police car trips and details misunderstood better than she does? Hey, it’s not like Rudy ever sent a HELICOPTER to Long Island for Judy…
…if the state of Massachusetts loosened its purse-strings and provided the governor with an official state residence in its capital city, like most states do, there probably would not have been those “helicoptor trips” that you guys keep pitching and moaning about.
p>You do realize, I’m sure, that the failure of the state to provide such an official state residence does discourage people from the far-flung regions of the state from running for state-wide office, which offices are headquarted in Bahston.
p>Maybe the state capital should be moved to a more centrally-located town like Worcester.
I’m assuming Jane as in Swift, and she endorsed McCain quite early in the campaign.
I reserve the right to change my mind, but I have a feeling McCain is going to re-emerge as a front-runner. Guiliani’s self-destructing, I don’t think Huckabee will play in N.H like he will in Iowa (entirely different types of Republican)and I think the combination of flip-flops and religion will sink Romney.
…and he’ll win all of the 11 states of the former Confederacy, and nothing else.
p>Heck, I’d vote for CC Goldwater (Barry’s granddaughter) and Stephanie Miller (Bill’s daughter) over Huck any day.
Only 1/3 of the Republican Legislators in Arkansas endorsed him… the current governor is a Democrat, Mike Beebe (pronounced BB), and he’s got his team on HIllary’s side.
wow, hillary really does play the center well! đŸ˜‰
Hillary as the Dem nom = a gigantic Republican GOTV push in any southern state.
so what? Which Dem candidate has any chance of getting VA, NC, SC, GA, TN, GA, LA, TX, AL, or MS?
p>Before you say John Edwards, I can tell you with certainty that he’s disliked in NC [and I believe that bleeds over to neighboring regions of SC, GA, TN, and VA] in a big way.
p>The flip side is that I think Clinton has the best chance of winning Arkansas…
leftover from when Bill was Governor, and the Wes Clark campaign helped it keep its connections going.
Obama could possibly pull out a few. John Edwards, Billy R….the list goes on and on. You wanna know who’s hated more in NC & SC? I’ll give you one guess.
p>Fortunately we’re still using the ol’ electoral college.
…but it turns out he’ll be included in the Iowa GOP debate today!
p>Oh, and KUCINICH is excluded from the Democrat’s debate tomorrow!
why he was my protest vote. am i good, or what? đŸ˜‰
This ad will win it
He clearly won today’s pathetically moderated Iowa debate – the last one before the caucuses, and I think he was the only candidate that showed any real command of the facts, and stayed on point.
p>Huckabee’s recent surge has been more about style than substance, and his weak showing today didn’t help.
Even his apology to Mitt for the bigoted Satan remark works more in Mitt’s favor than his own, because it allowed Mitt to be magnanimous in his acceptance.
Get ready to rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrumble! What’s with Huck these days anyhow?!? I think he’s been inhaling a tad too much of that Arkansas swamp gas……even his “apology” smacked of Clinton-like smarm.
– Jane Swift
p>You mean like McCain’s non-pandering to televangelists?
and also referring to them as “agents of intolerance” and then giving a commencement speech at Falwell’s Liberty University 7ish years later?
p>McCain had a strong solid foundation with people like my father — not overly religious, WWII-Vietnam aged [my dad a disabled vet], and strong. Then, he blew it by kowtowing to the Bible thumpers. He blew it.
I’m a space cadet today. This was in response to something else not at all related to this thread or even today’s stuff at BMG.
p>So, ignore, 0 it, delete it, enjoy it, look at it funny. What ev.
I cast a protest vote. đŸ˜‰
Pretty late in the game. As long as the population doesn’t have the time to learn why he’ll be a train wreck in the general, then I think he’ll win. As it stands, I think the media is too enamored with trashing Guiliani (for perfectly legitimate reasons) to explore things like Wayne Dumand. However, they could and that kind of thing could sabotage Huck’s campaign as easily as Guiliani’s mistress’s paid-by-NYC personal driver did. But I still say Huck’s peaked at the right time and will win the primary.
p>(And, at this point – quite unlike a week or two ago – I’m almost rooting for it.)
Has God on his side, fixing his poll numbers! So you KNOW he’ll win!
Huckabee reminds me a lot of the Pat Robertson campaign. He got his people out to the Iowa Caucuses, then he came in close to last in New Hampshhire. Bible-thumpers might be able to affect a caucus, but a NH Republican is more liberterian.
Lucky Hucky is peaking late, but is it late enough? This is prime Dean Peak season…Kerry didn’t start moving until 10 days out from the caucuses, Edwards about 3 days out.
What I don’t say here, I say here.
Huck is peaking early enough to get some scrutiny that he wouldn’t be getting otherwise. Like the Dumond case and his 1992 proposal to put people with HIV/AIDS into concentration camps. Among others.
p>Personally, I attribute Jane’s endorsement of Guiliani to sympathy – after all, who understands having police car trips and details misunderstood better than she does? Hey, it’s not like Rudy ever sent a HELICOPTER to Long Island for Judy…
…if the state of Massachusetts loosened its purse-strings and provided the governor with an official state residence in its capital city, like most states do, there probably would not have been those “helicoptor trips” that you guys keep pitching and moaning about.
p>You do realize, I’m sure, that the failure of the state to provide such an official state residence does discourage people from the far-flung regions of the state from running for state-wide office, which offices are headquarted in Bahston.
p>Maybe the state capital should be moved to a more centrally-located town like Worcester.
I’m assuming Jane as in Swift, and she endorsed McCain quite early in the campaign.
I reserve the right to change my mind, but I have a feeling McCain is going to re-emerge as a front-runner. Guiliani’s self-destructing, I don’t think Huckabee will play in N.H like he will in Iowa (entirely different types of Republican)and I think the combination of flip-flops and religion will sink Romney.
…and he’ll win all of the 11 states of the former Confederacy, and nothing else.
p>Heck, I’d vote for CC Goldwater (Barry’s granddaughter) and Stephanie Miller (Bill’s daughter) over Huck any day.
Only 1/3 of the Republican Legislators in Arkansas endorsed him… the current governor is a Democrat, Mike Beebe (pronounced BB), and he’s got his team on HIllary’s side.
wow, hillary really does play the center well! đŸ˜‰
Hillary as the Dem nom = a gigantic Republican GOTV push in any southern state.
so what? Which Dem candidate has any chance of getting VA, NC, SC, GA, TN, GA, LA, TX, AL, or MS?
p>Before you say John Edwards, I can tell you with certainty that he’s disliked in NC [and I believe that bleeds over to neighboring regions of SC, GA, TN, and VA] in a big way.
p>The flip side is that I think Clinton has the best chance of winning Arkansas…
leftover from when Bill was Governor, and the Wes Clark campaign helped it keep its connections going.
Obama could possibly pull out a few. John Edwards, Billy R….the list goes on and on. You wanna know who’s hated more in NC & SC? I’ll give you one guess.
p>Fortunately we’re still using the ol’ electoral college.
Alan Keyes? Winning the presidential nomination? That man couldn’t win a game of solitaire.
…but it turns out he’ll be included in the Iowa GOP debate today!
p>Oh, and KUCINICH is excluded from the Democrat’s debate tomorrow!
why he was my protest vote. am i good, or what? đŸ˜‰
This ad will win it
He clearly won today’s pathetically moderated Iowa debate – the last one before the caucuses, and I think he was the only candidate that showed any real command of the facts, and stayed on point.
p>Huckabee’s recent surge has been more about style than substance, and his weak showing today didn’t help.
Even his apology to Mitt for the bigoted Satan remark works more in Mitt’s favor than his own, because it allowed Mitt to be magnanimous in his acceptance.
Get ready to rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrumble! What’s with Huck these days anyhow?!? I think he’s been inhaling a tad too much of that Arkansas swamp gas……even his “apology” smacked of Clinton-like smarm.