Now that Bush and Cheney’s favorite toy has been taken away, what will the White House do to occupy themselves during the rest of their (incredibly lame-duck) term?
These are my suggestions:
1. Help repair the Republican Party’s future prospects by requiring the redesign of stalls in every Midwestern airport’s men’s rooms.
2. Purge the Supreme Court of those annoying judicial activists that don’t pass the Bat Boy litmus test (teach the controversy!).
3. Bring federal resources to bear in the ongoing search for the real killer of Nicole Simpson.
4. Learn to correctly pronounce the names of any three Middle East heads of state.
5. Keep an eye on the twins by offering Ozzy and Rob Zombie the use of Air Force One on their U.S. tour, in exchange for backstage passes.
…to keep the bomb Iran base happy?
p>I think Bush and Cheney are the biggest conspiracy nuts in America. Seriously, what is more damaging to America, the “Truth about 9/11” people, or our President and Vice President just making shit up about Iran and nuclear weapons? I say Dana Perino should be required to wear a tin foil hat at all White House briefings.
p>2. Nationwide reform of law enforcement. Let’s reign in the “Have you tazed a ten year old today” attitude just a bit please.
p>3. Abolish the FCC and do something about the two megacorporations who now control all of our propaganda.
p>4. Find out where Cheney hid that “missing” nuke that was “mistakenly” misplaced this year.
p>5. And let’s all support the declining popularity of political correctness and tune into the new Don Imus show!
Why did the “Intelligence community” flip? Is it that they were aware of a pending attack on Iran and realized that they would bear the brunt of an administration CYA effort when things go wrong? Did they realize that the Bush term is up in little more than a year and presidential pardons would be scarce come February for lying now?
p>What will the administration do to the intelligence people in government as an act of revenge for going against the administration’s line? I haven’t seen this administration let much go by, especially when Israel’s wants are involved. Will this be an exception?