I had forgotten how slick and sly B Clinton could be. He sees that his wife is going to loose Saturday so he preempts the loss by blaming it on the Press, going so far yesterday as to say that the Press is “taking the election away from the people”. All because the Press is reporting his and Hillary’s deceptive if not dishonest remarks about Obama. He is obviously trying to trash the So. Carolina primary because Hillary isn’t winning. Slying blaming the Press for causing racial and gender divides the Clinton campaign has largely initiated. What’s dangerous is that you have a former U.S. President discrediting our democratic process in front of the world in order to grab personal power. Hope the free Press isn’t bullied because our Nation and our capacity for an open national dialogue is assaulted and insulted by the Clinton disregard for anything but personal gain. B Clinton never looked quite like such an irresponsible demogogue to me…or did I miss it before? Hope this stops soon, because if it escalates some “surrogote” will inevitably dredge up Whitewater, Flowers, Lewinsky, Impeachment, Travel Gate, Rose Law Firm, prior degradations of the Presidency etc etc and remind America that really don’t want to go there again. Like Nixon, the Clintons really have not changed have they? The Republicans must be loving this.
Bill Clinton attacks the Press
Please share widely!
A few links would be nice. Alas, I don’t really have time to read the mass media for all the latest news… frankly, BMG is my primary source for political news. There’s not been much said about WJC attacking the press per se here, so I don’t know what you are referring to, and it is hard for me to comment.
p>You may just want to consider that nobody’s commented here perhaps because you didn’t provide any links or citations.