I am watching Deval on CNN at this moment giving his take on the debate from last night.
I don’t know how much I’m liking this. I elected Deval to run Massachusetts, not promote presidential candidates that I’m opposed to.
He wants our next president to “be about tomorrow”, and Barack gives us that type of leadership that can bring America forward.
Is he looking for a spot in an Obama administration? Is he going to fall in line with the past governors of Massachusetts and leave us before his term is up?
Please share widely!
Pols back other pols all the time. It’s part of the game. Obama spent a lot of time in MA, away from his Senate duties and his presidential campaign, and Deval is returning the favor.
p>As for Deval’s leaving early, I doubt it, but it’s certainly possible.
p>To the first question, no. I doubt Deval would be interested in being in a presidential cabinet again over having the chance to continue leading Massachusetts in his own right.
p>On the second, not this term. I do see potential situations in the middle of his second term…
“I elected Deval to run Massachusetts, not promote presidential candidates that I’m opposed to.”
p>He did a 10-minute interview on a national network and pretty much all of his out-of-state campaigning has occurred on weekends, on his own time. It’s not like his predecessor who was awol for half his term on our dime.
p>Would it make a difference if he were promoting a candidate that you weren’t opposed to?
My concern is that Deval was supposed to be a break from the mold of politics as usual. I just don’t want him to end up like the rest of ’em.
Deval could be on tv making fun of Massachusetts, like the last guy.
p>As far as his leaving during his first term, that’s an old Gabrieli-supporter talking point from 2006. Not happening.
p>(Even if he did leave, it wouldn’t be the end of the world; Tim Murray would make a pretty good governor.)