They also conveniently left out this whopper
“I am asking you again to voice that sense of urgency,” he said to the municipal leaders. “Let your representatives and senators know the cost of inaction is too high.”
So if the Globe relegated this major speech to the briefs everybody else must've missed it too, right? Hardly. The Boston Herald recognized the significance of the speech and led with Gov raises ruckus on revenue The Worcester T&G proclaimed “Gov. lays down the gauntlet” They went on to say
“Gov. Deval L. Patrick lowered the boom on the Legislature yesterday, blaming lawmakers for failing to take votes on revenue proposals he laid out last year to close budget gaps at the state and local levels. He called on municipal leaders to push the Legislature to take action.”
The Springfield Republican declared “Governor condemns legislative inaction” stating
[Gov. Deval L. Patrick assailed state legislators yesterday for failing to vote on any of his bills to generate new tax revenue for cities and towns.]
So how is it that all these papers across the state got it but our supposed paper of record gave it a single paragraph? Does the Globe only have space on its pages for screw-ups (of which there have admittedly been several)?
Last I checked the majority of residents voted this guy into office, with the Globe's endorsement I might add. Don't they think we might want to know when he makes a major announcement and starts, as Governor, to speak with the eloquence and urgency he did as a candidate?