Today, Edwards supporters across the nation will concentrate their donations in hopes to make a statement. If successfull, the media will have to acknowledge that this is a three-person race.
Please join me in sending in a small donation to make Lawrence O’Donnell choke on his fois gras.
UPDATE by Charley: Make Sean Hannity choke on the live puppies he eats (thx Jerome):
Please share widely!
progressiveman says
…I am making my donation now.
david says
I’m not sure I see the logic here. Ron Paul shattered one-day fundraising records twice this cycle. Didn’t do him a lot of good. If Edwards wants “the media” to “acknowledge” that this is a three-person race, he’ll have to win a primary.
p>None of which means, by the way, that Edwards won’t end up as king/queenmaker at the end of the day. He may well.
charley-on-the-mta says
Raising a lot of money in one day = Now you’re Ron Paul?
p>If Paul weren’t a Grade A Jumbo with Omega 3’s goofball, he’d be spending that money well and making progress in the polls. But he is, so he isn’t.
p>Lame-ass candidates can’t make headway, no matter how much money they have. Good ones can make a little money go a long way. Edwards is the latter.
david says
to this from the post (emphasis mine):
p>That’s what I don’t think makes sense for the reasons I’ve already stated. Obviously, the more money Edwards can raise, the better off he’ll be.
amberpaw says
I also am the so-called “Captain” of Middlesex for Edwards, so I posted to my group, and used my personal list. But I went off the BlueMassGroup link HERE – hope they keep track “where it came from”.
sabutai says
Those money-bombs got him more publicity and notice than was given Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo combined, two people running ahead of him.
p>I think that free media (and the earned media that followed from the donations) put Paul into his fourth place finishes. Heck, he’s the only one on the air in Nevada, who knows how that’ll go. Given what a mess is the Republican nomination, it may not be for nuthin’.
stomv says
Word of warning:
p>Don’t contribute via ActBlue for Edwards. He won’t get matching money from Uncle Sam for his ActBlue donations… so give directly to the campaign.
annem says
thanks to stomv’s shared insight
david says
Check this out. Anybody know if there’s some sort of negative history between Edwards and Feingold?
mr-lynne says
… around email circles this morning myself.
bfk says
Wasn’t much, but I hope it helps.
stomv says
I’m skeptical it will even sniff RP’s totals, but I am curious…
p>and maybe we could find a phrase a less, oh I don’t know, warrish than “money-bomb”?
leonidas says
until the next reporting date (I’m unsure when this is).
stomv says
The next reporting date is both the latest we’ll hear and it’s the official numbers. The JE campaign is free to announce how much money it raised before that — they’ve just got to add up the numbers with that date on ’em.
david says
and probably by a lot. See “translation” below.
leonidas says
Here’s Campaign Manager David Bonior
p>Thank you! On behalf of John and Elizabeth Edwards and our entire campaign, I want to thank everyone who made a contribution on Friday, January 18th. In particular, I want to thank all those from the netroots community for rallying to our side at a time when we need it most. Thanks to you, we received several thousand contributions on Friday – and more than half of those contributions were from folks who had never before made a donation to our campaign.
p>As a result of your support, Friday was one of the best online fundraising days ever for our campaign. And, importantly, the great majority of those contributions will be eligible for matching funds, doubling the impact of your extraordinary effort.
p>We appreciate every contribution and every contributor to our campaign. We know many of those who have given to this campaign do so because they see that John is fighting for them – for their families and for the American dream we hold close to our hearts. Thank you for continuing to stand with John, and for helping to get out his message of bold, transformational change.
david says
“We didn’t meet our target. We did pretty well, but not even as well as we’ve done on other days [that’s the meaning of “one of the best online fundraising days ever” line]. Thanks for pitching in, though.”
leonidas says
this effort didn’t originate from or coordinated with the Edwards campaign.
p>I believe it came from a dkos diarist.