Hot diggity! From Cape Wind's press release:
BOSTON, MA — Cape Wind passed a major milestone today at the start of its final year of permitting with the release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) from the lead Federal permitting agency, the Minerals management Service (MMS) of the Department of Interior.
From the MMS DEIS:
- Horseshoe Shoal in Nantucket Sound is environmentally and economically superior to the alternative sites that were studied.
- Cape Wind will reduce regional emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) by 880,000 tons per year. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that causes climate change.
- Cape Wind will reduce regional air pollution emissions such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide that harm human health.
- Cape Wind will create hundreds of jobs.
- Cape Wind will provide a needed supply of electricity and improve electric diversification and reliability.
- Cape Wind will go a long way toward Massachusetts being able to achieve its renewable energy requirements under the State’s Renewable Portfolio Standard.
- Cape Wind will not have major impacts on birds, fish, marine mammals, fishing, tourism, or on sea or air navigation.
Here's the MMS Draft Environmental Impact Statement (pdf) — look at page 14, Table E-1 for the quick 'n' dirty run down. The bottom line: All environmental effects are “negligible” or “minor”, except for “visual resources”, on which the project's effect will be “moderate”, ie. it'll look different. Kinda.
The open comment period ends January 18th. My goodness, are we there yet?
I don’t see anything on the Cape Wind site. Did I miss it?
p>And thus beginnith round XXXVIII of the Cape Wind saga.
The ONLY major impact is cosmetic!
p>I liked the ‘moderate’ impact on the Figawi yacht race, and have a suggestion for them – start a slalom leg for the race!
but in a good direction.…
p>Given the writers strike gigawatts could be saved simply by clicking the off switch on 300 million HDTV sets. The resulting jump in IQ would in fact “energize” America.
Regardless of how many experts claim there will be no harmful environmental impact and that any negligible environmental impact will be more than offset by the reduction in C02 and sulfur emissions due to coal power plant closure Ted Kennedy and John Kerry will still veto this project because it affects their views plain and simple. When it comes to truly promoting alternative energy our Senate delegation should actually call themselves (D-NIMBY).
global warming via CO2 generation ala Al Gore is not about saving the enviornment it is about the establishment of a global carbon trading Wall Street and taxation to establish a global government. The Eugene Malloves of the world will still get bumped off and the emerging solar energy companies bought out by Exxon.
when was the last time he indicated an aversion to the Cape Wind project? When did Kennedy or Kerry get veto power
…300million HDTV sets in service yet, but I’d almost be willing to wager that the writers’ strike is doing blockbuster business for…um…Blockbuster and Netflix. We’re actually going back to the best TV series ever produced–The Twilight Zone. Rod Serling and Richard Matheson (the authors of most of the teleplays) were absolutely superb.
Now maybe this project can move forward (and I don’t want to hear a lot of complaining about the high cost by the opposition, since they’re mainly responsible for the delays). Still strikes me as amusing that the Cape Wind project came out around the same time as the Buzzards Bay oil spill; time to put up or shut up for some elitist environmentalists on the Cape and Islands.
p>For those who missed it, still think this Jon Stewart clip says it all…
these are not environmentalists, however they style themselves.