Many of you would likely have missed this weeks Republican debate for obvious reasons, but for those interested in maintaining some semblance of a free press and understand that this internet is the only thing that seperates us from knowledge and a complete information blackout, you will find the following interesting …
As you may know Faux chose to exclude Ron Paul from the 1-6 debate in NewHampshire.
For this they recieved considerable public pressure and decided to include him in this weeks event in S Carolina.
While the debate was unremarkable in general, with the exception perhaps of the blatent rudeness that the hosts showed Dr Paul, what is interesting is the string of post debate coverup being undertaken by various supposedly unrelated media outlets.
It started like this:
Faux edited out one particularly interesting exchange between Dr Paul and Faux’s bugeyed persecutor. Dr Paul gave a fairly strong answer ..
The clip of this edit out was then posted on the net ..…
When you follow the Digg link you find that You Tube has edited out the reposting as a “TOS” violation, which it obviously isnt …
Check out the repost again before it vanishes and is replaced by patriotic music ..…
Next up, Newsweeks upcoming article on “fundraising leaders” …:)
pers-1756 says
Let the record show that the NH GOP pulled their sponsorship of the 1/6 Fox debate that excluded Ron Paul.
political-inaction says
Not too much of a surprise that Fox would delete Ron Paul’s answer when he slaps the reporter upside the head with an excellent answer that put him in his place. It was similarly frustrating when Ron Paul, in the NH debate on 1/5 answered the terrorism question (why the terrorists hate America) so well and the other candidates laughed and effectively told him the terrorists don’t hate us because we are on their land in violation of Sharia law but because they hate freedom. (Does the general GOP public actually believe that crap?)
p>However, if Fox really wants to exclude Ron Paul they might do so on the basis of his past racist and anti-semitic statements
stomv says
if Fox commentators weren’t making racist comments themselves. Just ask O’Reilly about ordering iced tea in Harlem.
nomad943 says
If Ron Paul Hates Blacks and Jews, Count Me In Too
nomad943 says
Oh … political Inaction …
You rated my link as “worthless”.
Did you have any trouble comprehending what it said?
Here is a link to a short interview with the NAACP head in Austin about what he thinks of your assertions that Paul is racist …
p>So why do you insist on spreading such baseless rumours?
political-inaction says
So let me get this straight, you found one black guy who thinks Ron Paul isn’t a racist and that is supposed to represent the entire black community and convince me that Ron Paul isn’t a racist?
p>The statements attributed to Ron Paul appeared in a newsletter, an official Ron Paul newsletter! Now he’s saying he didn’t write those words and has “no idea” who did. Sounds very much like Romney saying he’d never seen the ad where he says McCain supports amnesty, even though Mitt says at the end of the piece that he approved the message.
p>The first time Paul tried saying he didn’t know anything about the article was in 2001 (see above link). Oh yeah, and in the same year the newsletters appeared he did interviews where he never denied having said them.
p>Perhaps you prefer I delve a bit deeper into Mr. Paul’s past where he said “order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks.” Or the time he said “As children, they (blacks) are trained to hate whites, to believe that white oppression is responsible for all black ills, to ‘fight the power,’ to steal and loot as much money from the white enemy as possible.”
p>No you blowhard, I didn’t have any trouble understanding what you said. I understood it as worthless and rated it as such.
nomad943 says
That one guy happens to be the head of the NAACP chapter in Austin. As such , one might conclude that it would be his function to be “aware” of such things as, is his US rep actualy a biggot.
I might be wrong on that though and you could be right.
He could just be “some guy” and a more reliable source of information might be things pulled out of web links to the Houston chronicle (1991) and now, 17 years later resurected by the media in the heat of a political campaign .. and by the very same outlets that gave us John Kerry’s infamous “do good in school or maybe find yourself in Iraq” flack.
Poof, and like that he was gone …
Very convenient.
political-inaction says
p>When John Kerry says something stupid (as he is oft doing) he will, as he did, apologize for it and say it was a misstatement. The script, as provided to the public, showed that it was a botched (and quite stupid) joke.
p>Ron Paul has never apologized for what he said in his newsletters with his name on them regardless how long ago it was. It isn’t like he made a bad prediction on a football game – this matters. If he wants to stand up and say “Hey, I’m no longer a racist anti-semite” then we can talk.
p>Until then the guy is going to go down in history as a libertarian who ran in the GOP for President and lost handily.
pers-1756 says
That was the debate where the other GOP candidates all had scheduling conflicts.
political-inaction says
and refused to return it.
p>I’m not quite certain what the argument here is. He’s certainly allowed to be racist and as I said earlier in the thread I agree with Paul on some stuff (but certainly not the racist/anti-semitic stuff). Why not embrace the fact that Paul is a racist if you’re going to support him?
pers-1756 says
But those other GOP candidates that all had scheduling conflicts…
nomad943 says
The “BOTCHED JOKE” episode is an excellent example of modern politics gone bad.
UNLIKE the accepted spin, I actualy respected Kerry for saying what he did … at first.
He told those kids the same thing any of us would have told our own kids …
Look after your future because the last position you want to find yourself in is one where the “Iraq train” sounds like your only viable option …
It was very noble of Kerry to say that, and the sentiment is widely accepted … its not a shocker out here in the real world … is it?
It was almost like Kerry wanted to actualy make a stand about something, for once in his life actualy lead, instead of reverting to being a politician,
but I guess I was wrong and “CAMPAIGN” mode kicked back in and the media brought him to his knees.
I remember hoping that this politician whom I once respected would be man enough to stand his ground and not retract what he said …
But of course we know what happened … ooh, botched joke, meant to say Bush .. and you all slurp it up knowing it was BS and that he said what he said but wasnt man enough to stand by it.
Thats what happens in politics, you cant say or do anything of substance EVER … if you do people will spin and paraphrase and misrepresent and unless you are the establishments present placebo .. you go down just for existing. So we get a crop of mollusks that shoot for nothing, speak in generalities and deliver the same …
Rah Rah ..
I notice further down the thread that you spin angrily into the spreading of other debunked myths.
If we wanted we could make a thread devoted to each candidates supposed digressions … all of which have long ago been debunked but are still being spread by the likes of you just the same ..
You can continue to play that game, but you do know that the view will only be the same or worse in 20 years unless you begin to get a grasp of actual issues.
political-inaction says
I think I have a pretty good grasp of the issues, thank you very much.
p>Call it what you will but Ron Paul said those things in his own newsletters that just happened to have his name in the title of the publication.
p>How does one debunk that? An official publication with my name on it, paid for by me, with my blessings… I deny it! I deny everything in it! Don’t hold me to anything put forth in my name under my banner… ever… except when I’m running for President!
nomad943 says
Skip responding to the point and get right back to sliming …
I wont bother with a reply but I will leave you with this piece to stew over …
p>NAACP President: Ron Paul Is Not A Racist
political-inaction says
Sorry the conversation appears to be going in a downward spiral – I do not believe I am skipping the point. In my original post I made a positive comment about Ron Paul and a negative comment. You started a long thread based on the negative comment (Paul’s racist/anti-semitic statements.)
p>I’ve responded to each of your posts on the question raised – how is it that I think Paul is racist/anti-semitic. I’ve documented each statement. Not really certain how documentation is considered sliming.
p>I’m not really certain how you hope to win people to your opinion by calling me names either. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I am a jerk, or not paying attention, or a “new” democrat. Either way you’re not refuting Paul’s statements you’re just “sliming” me. If I’m a jackass and Paul is a jackass then we’re both jackasses – why would you vote for either of us?
pers-1756 says
Do tell. The man is articulating certain things in his message for president, and then there is also his congressional record. What is it exactly you find so offensive?
political-inaction says
That quote comes from a Ron Paul newsletter. Do statements like that and similar make him racist or just a very, very bad editor?
There are many other places one can find stories about his potentially racist and anti-semitic statements, as well as his receiving and keeping donations from known neo-nazis.
nomad943 says
I was tempted to follow someones lead and just rate your “worthless” comment as such, but I thought I would toss this link out in case anyone is interested
p>The Skeleton Closet
p>Its a handy reference of dirt being thrown at all major candidates in this and every other presidential race going back to 1996.
Each debunked story line has attached links that you can use as “references” when you get to “sliming” the candidate of your choice.
While the exercise is entirely futile, it does succede in diverting attention from the fact that we as a nation are in a world of shit. and the same old ideas lead to the same old problems.
So enjoy your fun “PI” and as to your quip about why would I vote for Paul and not you ….
There are many reasons but first in my mind is that Ron Paul is the first candiate since 1964 that either party has put foreward that is both in a reasonable position to win and also NOT A MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. Kucinich to his credit is also not a member but the democratic party seems to remain a closed club while the republican party is showing its cracks.
You on the other hand …. lol…. 🙂
lasthorseman says
We still have a majority of Americans that don’t know the country died six years ago. Even if Ron Paul never comes close his growing support base and his ideas will continue.
He stabs mainstream mediocrity in the heart. It puts them on notice that people are watching and seeing corporate media propaganda for what it really is.
raj says
…freedom from various press outlets. I have chosen to ignore the NYTimes for a long time, not just precipitated by their hiring of Billy Kristol.
p>I chose to ignore the Faux News Channel in March 2001 when it became clear that they weren’t interested in delivering news. Mar 2001 was when the ChiComs downed an American surveillance on a chinese island. Faux was “covering” it 24/7. Early one morning, one of their commentators (I hesitate to call her a reporter) admitted that they had no idea what was going on, but they’d continue covering it anyway.
p>After I picked myself off the floor and stopped laughing, I made my way to the gym for a workout. Faux News is a bunch of clowns and buffoons to get people to watch their commercials. Like most of Rupert Murdoch’s other publications.
they says
raj says
BTW, I came to the conclusion that Paul was a racist (and an anti-semite and a homophobe) about a decade ago. That was when we received a fund-raising letter over his signature, requesting donations for Jesse Helms’s re-election to the US Senate from North Carolina. I’ve never heard of the newsletters until the last couple of weeks.