Democratic Party
With only nine points separating the top three it's still anyone's game to win. Don't let anyone fool you otherwise.
Clinton not being able to crack 30% is symbolically painful.
Both Obama and Edwards oratory after the vote was powerful. Obama waiting until 11PM EDT to speak shows his organization is not as naive as some would have you believe.
Bye bye Dodd and Biden, you will be missed.
Republican Party
Romney spends over 7 million dollars, outspending Huckabee 6 to 1, and lord knows how many days in Iowa only to finish second, nine points back. Looks like there are some people in his camp who aren't part of the reality-based community. Mr “experienced businessman” needs hold a Chautauqua Tent meeting – get all the true believers back on the reservation. This showing is not a fatal blow by any means but is one that will be felt.
45% of Iowans call themselves “very Conservative” (cited below) and 46% of the evangelical vote went to Huckabee. Coincidence? I think not. It will be interesting to see how his brand of old-time-religion plays in more secular areas of the country. Not that I care, mind you.
I know Gulianni skipped Iowa and all that but Ron Paul beating him by 6% is just a laff riot.
Bye bye Thompson you were a… oh, sorry he's still here. I never can tell if that guy's breathing
Sullivan at the Daily Dish gets the take on the Iowan electorate spot on:
[L]ook at how the caucus-goers defined themselves in the entrance polls. Among the Dems: Very Liberal: 18 percent; Somewhat Liberal: 36 percent; Moderate: 40 percent; Conservative: 6 percent. Now check out the Republicans: Very Conservative: 45 percent; Somewhat Conservative: 43 percent; Moderate: 11 percent; Liberal: 1 percent.
One is a national party; the other is on its way to being an ideological church. The damage Bush and Rove have done – revealed in 2006 – is now inescapable.