Great read from a left tilt, if you have a minute.…
Don’t ask yourself “what are the ideas?” If your toilet backs up, you can come up with a thousand ideas while shit-water cascades onto the floor. The question is not about ideas; it is, “What will be the net effect?”
Please share widely!
lightiris says
at Daily Kos has succinctly captured all the reasons why NOT to vote for Paul, I won’t bother to repeat them all here. If Ron Paul floats your boat, have at it. The rest of his positions are pure crackpottery and the vast majority of voters knows it.
nomad943 says
Half of the reasons that the almighty KOS lists as proof that Ron Paul is crazy are the same reasons that I support him.
p>Guess I must also be just as crazy then, when I look out my window at just how fucked up this world is and know that more of the same is just the route to more of the same; doesnt matter how you dress it up to try and make it look any different.
p>On a bright note for party loyalists like Kos and yourself, it is refreshing to see that Obama has copied Ned Lamont’s line about the definition of insanity … repeating the same things over and over and expecting a different result …. Sadly no original ideas in that mans head and his rhetoric, while well delivered, has all been borrowed and worn out.
p>And then there is Hillary and the change theme… so touching if we are somehow able to forget that she is the very symbol of that which needs changing.
Want a thrill, lookup the current delegate count … the DLC has already spotted Hillary with a 170 vote lead and NH hasnt even voted yet to decided how their whopping 20 votes will get split.
Oh the splendor and pagentry .. all meaningless as the decision was rendered last year by the neoliberal elite who certainly know best what is good for you.
p>How about Kucinich again in 08 for token meaningless … Cant wait to see him in a few months holding hands with Hillary endorsing the entire scmooz just one more time …
p>Ron Paul …. real changes that need making … end the holy crusades NOW, fix the dollar now, make the rest of the world pony up for their own defense, get rid of bogus subsidized trade, make America work for Americans because they are Americans not despite that fact ….
Nothing wrong with seeing a flag and not feeling repulsed … It could happen again ….
lightiris says
then, by all means, support your candidate. Birds flock.
lasthorseman says
As was Ross Perot for his gigantic sucking sound.
Well, don’t we suck now?
p>Anyway, Ron Paul?.. no the Illuminati knows they need not “do a Bhutto” on him.
p>My toilet is backed up, I am swimming in shit and 2006 put impeachment “off the table”. What choice to I have other than.
p>Whatever influence you might assign to this selection of idiots consider that the entire US is a mere 300 million out of six billion in the world. Globalists are quite ready to carve out your energy allocation out of the equation. Hell, they need it for China’s gold rush industrial age.