Rank advocacy but, hey, this progressive blog is about making change happen, and no one here is shy.
Hope for the best, and work for it. Sound familiar? We got a strong dollop of hope last night from Senator Obama. Here is how you can work for change this weekend.
This campaign is organized, and well-financed and those are hugely important elements for victory in our system. If you still need reasons to vote for Senator Obama, may I respectfully direct you to this link.
Please share widely!
That Drudge is quoting Rasmussen Reports (currently down, perhaps because of the link from Drudge) following NH poll:
p>Obama 37
Clinton 27
p>Now me, I think as an R we can’t duck Hillary, we really have to face her. Sort of like the last battle. Also, she’ll get the base going if nothing else will. But it seems like whereever she goes theres an undercurrent wishing her ill, and glorying in her difficulties. Its hard not to feel the same way, I guess.