While I applaud Ted Kennedy (and I’m no fan of his) for taking a principled stand and endorsing Barack Obama, I can’t help wondering what the implications for Massachusetts might be should Clinton win the Democratic nomination and go on to win the general election in November.
Even though a majority of our Congressional delegation (all of them? I haven’t run through the list) and state-level poobahs support Clinton, Kennedy’s endorsement — and Kerry’s, too — are very public slaps in the faces of Hillary and Bill.
Given their proclivities for payback and political retribution, what might this mean our state?
Please share widely!
What do you think they would do? I am also not sure what you are talking about regarding Clinton’s “proclivities for payback”? Do you have examples? Did bill Clinton do something to screw over some state because someone didn’t support him in the primaries?
“Given their proclivities for payback and political retribution, what might this mean our state?” I think that is a quote more applicable to past actions by some of the Kennedys than to anything the Clintons have done, don’t you? (The name Joe Sr. comes to mind.) BTW, since Hillary Clinton will win the primary here in Massachusetts, Massachusetts will have nothing to be embarassed by. I do think both Kerry and Kennedy do not understand yet what the fallout will be for them from some voters (and volunteers) here in Massachusetts, in particular, some women voters.