With our primary moved up to February 5, Massachusetts voters may finally get to vote in a presidential election before it’s a foregone conclusion — assuming we register to vote in time.
The League of Women Voters kicks off its 2008 voter registration drive today at the Statehouse at 11. This seems like a good time to remind everyone that the deadline to register to vote in the primary has moved up to January 16, less than two weeks away. If you (or your less aware friends) have moved since the last time you voted, now’s the time to reregister.
One easy way is with the registration widget on massvote.org — just fill out the form, print, sign and mail. You can also add that widget to your own blog at registertovoteonline.org.
(Of course, any deadline will inevitably disenfranchise some voters who have moved recently or decided to vote only once Massachusetts started getting attention from the candidates — that’s why MassVOTE has been fighting for election day registration …)