First, thanks to all who have supported John Edwards in his campaign to renew America.
In suspending his campaign at this time, we have witnessed John’s transcendent transformation from candidate to statesman, as he stepped aside and avoided further campaigning to “make way for history.” I honor his decision, and ability to focus on what is best for his family, and best for America. He choose not to exhaust his supporters and family further focusing on what is best for our country.
I view John Edwards as the founder of a movement to renew American. I believe that in ending his campaign, John has given life to a movement for both increased democracy, and a return to the true values of the Democratic party.
To that end, I recommend a Yahoo website at… The original purpose of this website was to coordinate primary activities. Now it is to “keep our powder dry” and build for the future, and the renewal of the Democratic Party and our nation.
Don’t be a stranger! Come on in, the water is fine, and there is yet work to do to honor and support John Edwards…
I can’t understand why he chose to drop out now. It would have made more sense- that if he didn’t have the stomach to stay in until August- to drop out feb. 6 and then endorse the frontrunner.
p>Not quite in the ‘acceptance’ stage of grieving yet…
…It would have been hard for him to raise money and finance the big media buy to do the job required on Feb 5, knowing he was likely to be out on Feb 6th. You can’t run half-hearted, it must be all in. Given the family situation it would be difficult to continue a campaign to raise issues or be a “king/queen maker”.
p>John Edwards will have lots to say for years to come that will help us raise the issues and fight the good fight. VP, AG, Sec Labor? Who knows? Perhaps as University President or Engaged Citizen.
A good read from Krugman today.
But, as Lucy says, in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, “You never know what might have been.”