I also found the letters being written in support of Sean Garballey in the Arlington Advocate compeling – and describing Sean Garballey’s environmental work, involvement in neighborhood concerns, etc. in detail.
Garballey for state rep.
We are writing this letter to encourage the citizens of Arlington and West Medford to support the candidacy of Sean Garballey for state representative. We have know Sean during his tenure on the Arlington School Committee and have found him to be a knowledgeable, professional, hard working and caring individual. On several occasions we have spoken with Sean about education issues and experienced first-hand his passion for public service, his ability to see the “big picture” and his understanding of how policy impacts people. One need only view a School Committee meeting to see that Sean has the pulse of the people and often asks the difficult questions.
It is our view that Sean has the desire, discipline and dedication to succeed in public service. He has demonstrated these as a member of the Arlington School Committee and will continue to brings these virtues to the Massachusetts House of Representatives.
Since this election is fast approaching, we would urge all citizens to visit Sean’s Web site, speak to him in the community and to vote for him on February 5, 2008!
Jennifer and William Grubb
Ronald Road
Ronald Road
Once in a great while someone comes along that stands out in a crowd, and Sean Garballey is one individual that does just that. It is not due to controversy or bad judgment; it is due to his hard work and his willingness to do the right thing. Sean has proven to me that he is mature and wise beyond his years. He thinks ahead and knows that his actions affect the very people that have put him in his current position on the School Committee.
Sean continues to grow and learn from his experiences as most of us do during our day-to-day actions. Sean has been preparing himself for what he has taken on and for what he is asking us to do for him. Sean’s job and life resumes are very impressive. He is extremely qualified to fill the 23rd Middlesex state rep. seat. The support for Sean continues to grow every day because others see what most see in Sean, leadership, integrity, experience, character, modesty and the willingness to stand up for the little guy. So please join me in the coming days and weeks and support Sean Garballey for the 23rd Middlesex rep seat. I’m asking all my family and friends to join me on Feb. 5, and cast a vote for Sean Garballey.
Bryan French
Vice President
Arlington Fire Fighters Local 1297
I am very careful about writing in support of political candidates because I do not want my choices taken to be those of the AEA, the teachers’ Union. However, in the race for Jim Marzilli’s seat, I must strongly recommend Sean Garballey. I have to confess that, much to my chagrin, I did not vote for him for School Committee. I was afraid that his youth and relative inexperience would lead to him not being effective. In fact, Sean has shown repeatedly that he cares deeply about the youth of the town, the seniors in the town, and the workers in the town and is known and liked by most of them. His level of involvement in the schools as a School Committee member has been unprecedented in that his approach to leadership is to interact with students by chaperoning dances and trips, to talk to and listen to teachers and care about their issues, and to advocate for groups like the crossing guards. Sean was not a party to the debacle of the Bouris and Coughlin dismissals that will tie up the Arlington Public Schools in arbitrations and law suits for some time, unlike others on the School Committee. In summary, the most important factor to consider is that Sean is the quintessential populist – his votes will be well-reasoned, ethical and will include your input – he is guaranteed to stay local and available, even when involved on Beacon Hill because, ultimately, the people of the district and their needs will be his priority.
Jack Duranceau
Please join me in voting for Sean Garballey for state representative on February 5. Why do I enthusiastically support Mr. Garballey? This is a young man who represents us well now as a member of the School Committee. He understands how important it is to listen to constituents, take our thoughts into consideration and then make an informed vote.
He is conscientious, educated, informed and works well with people. I have seen this man have an interest in people and public service since a young age. Shortly after his high school years, he ran for both Town Meeting and School Committee, both seats which he holds and performs the duties in a terrific manner. I have seen him around town often in an effort to listen and understand the thoughts of residents and taxpayers. He is someone who, at a young age, understands our legislative system and how important it is to have a representative who will truly represent the people who elected him or her.
Will I always agree with Sean on every vote as a representative? Most likely not. However, he will always have my respect because he listens and gives consideration before voting.
This is an intelligent man whose interests are serving the people. I believe he is the best choice to represent the residents of Arlington and West Medford in the February 5 election. Please join me in voting for Sean Garballey in the Democratic primary on that date. Thank you.
Stuart Cleinman
Sunnyside Avenue
Arlington has a great opportunity to elect one of its native sons. My family is supporting Sean Garballey. Sean is a lifelong resident of Arlington and a product of the Arlington schools. His hard work as a School Committee member shows his dedication to his elected position. I sincerely hope the rest of Arlington and West Medford support Sean.
Leonard Contardo
Valley Road
I am writing in support of Sean Garballey for state representative. Before I’d even met Sean, I was impressed by all he’d accomplished at his young age. Now that I do know him, I continue to be impressed – by his poise, his grasp of the issues and the sheer enthusiasm he communicates, both for our town and for public service in general. He is such a great role model for youth in our community, and I believe he would do an outstanding job in advocating for our town’s interests at the state level. While I haven’t always agreed with the positions he’s taken on the School Committee, I know that he never makes a snap judgment; rather, his opinions are reasoned, researched and well thought out, and I respect that. I also appreciate that he’s willing to stand alone on a vote, and isn’t swayed by the majority if he believes he is right. On a more personal note, I’m a parent whose child receives special education services, and Sean’s attention to this important area gives me hope. A compassionate and articulate advocate for special ed. would be most welcome at the state level. I was delighted to hear that Sean had “thrown his hat in the ring,” and I hope you’ll join me in supporting him.
Jennifer Davis-Kay
Peck Avenue
For more than thirty-five years, I have been going to the State House to work with Massachusetts legislators on matters of human rights. A number of these officials have gone on to be elected and re-elected mayors of major Massachusetts cities. Through these special legislators, I have learned well the qualities of what makes a good representative. Those qualities are sensitivity, caring, intelligence and commitment.
Sean Garballey has already demonstrated these characteristics in the town of Arlington through his work as a School Committee member and Town Meeting member as well as service to Vision 2020 and the Mystic Shores Team. There is nothing on that list of qualities that requires Sean to be over thirty. From the vantage point of my more than seventy years, I believe that youth coupled with the aforementioned qualities can make a superior representative
For these reasons, we will be voting for Sean Garballey.
Barbara Cutler
Teresa Circle
My name is Gerry Corbett. I’ve lived in Menotomy Manor, (the projects) since 1949. The children there know me as Mr. C.
I grew up on Wollaston Ave. as a child in a family of fifteen. Me and my five brothers were in WWII at the same time. I myself have used the V.A. for healthcare for some time. I’ve had my operations and visits through there healthcare system. I was happy to see how concerned Sean Garballey was about the needs of our Veterans.
I knew Sean’s father, James. He grew up here in the housing projects with my son. They are a wonderful family. I’ve met Sean, and he is undoubtedly a spirited man with knowledge of all the issues.
He is a very determined man and a compassionate one as well.
We discussed the needs of the men and women who are serving and who have served our country.
This is a complex issue, but Sean has a variety of innovative solutions. I can tell in my heart that Sean would make an exemplary state representative.
Please vote for Sean Garballey for state rep. on Tuesday, February 5.
Gerry Corbett
Fremont St.
Throughout a multitude of capacities, I have become well acquainted with Sean Garballey, now a candidate for state representative. Sean embodies three qualities that are essential in a representative: reliability, intelligence and experience. In order to effectively respond to the needs and changes of the 23rd Middlesex district, a true representative must be constantly in-touch with the community.
Sean is one of the most reliable people I have ever met. If he says he will address an item of importance to you, he will. If you desire a service as a constituent, your phone call or e-mail will be answered and service will be met. If it’s a meeting you request, he will attend five minutes early. Sean is not only reliable when it comes to communication, but also when it comes to achieving results; I feel accomplishment has become a sort of mantra for Sean, from sifting through the school district’s budget to completely answering a question in a perfectly straight-forward manner (an ability which has disappointingly become a rarity in today’s pool of politicians).
Sean also understands. He knows the issues and is able to respond to them while keeping in mind the many lenses that exist in our society. For example, when it comes to casino gambling, he can see its implications in labor, crime, environment and the fiscal budget. As a former president of the AHS Students Against Violating the Environment Club (SAVE), I can attest to Sean’s interest and recognition of the environment’s importance, while citing his close relationship to many working families.
While a member of the Student Advisory Council, Sean was the first person I came to with pressing questions and compelling concerns because I knew he would be able to respond timely and with the utmost intelligence. Still, while in university, I have e-mailed Sean to answer questions regarding town democratic politics and practices, all of which have been responded to via voice and a prompt e-mail.
Garballey has the experience to attain quick and satisfying results. I have expected and received no less in the past several years. No matter how big your agenda or how small your issue, Sean works with your agenda and addresses your issue. Sean is the only candidate that will work toward and exemplify the ideal while working with the real, in major respect of the trust instilled in him. Sean’s profound reverence for this trust can be examined through his personal qualities. For this, I respectfully and sincerely request my fellow voters to elect, on February 5, the candidate with experience, reliability, a true practical understanding and common sense coalesced with high intelligence, Sean Garballey.
Sean Conroy
Former Student Representative to the School Committee
Freeman St.
[These letters can be found in the January 10, 2008 edition of the Arlington Advocate – there are more in the January 18, 2008 edition]
What did he do? Clean his room?