I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Oh, the humanity! The Mass GOP has produced a video that details its accomplishments in 2007, and posted it on their website home page. I know there must be 10 reasons to watch this truly impressive production, but so far I can only come up with three. Here is what I’ve got. Maybe you can help me out in the comments.
1. The most recent date in the official history of the Massachusetts GOP posted on their website is 1919. Based on the faces in this video, it looks to me like that is about right.
2. Any suggestion that Willard strengthened the GOP during his tenure as Governor, based on the sorry evidence of this video, is fatuous.
3. The Mass GOP needs a new PR team if it wants to be taken seriously.
You know a state party is pathetic when one of their big accomplishments for the year is getting a congressman to visit from another state.
A neighboring state, to boot! Ooooh, really hard work there.
But it’s up to 367 views at the time of this post. Mitt, oh, Mitt, what have you done to the MA GOP?
This video doesn’t look like an attempt to be take seriously by the likes of us, it looks like internal communication made to improve their supporters’ mood and translate that into support for the state party organization (money? activism? good feeling?) Their main informative point seems to be that the party provides services, such as campaign training, and social opportunities, for Republicans in MA, and therefore, if you’re a Massachusetts Republican, it is worth your while to associate with & support the state party. If that’s the goal, this sort of material looks reasonably good.
Heck, it took some of us long enough to convince elements of Mass GOP that their eyes wouldn’t burst into flames if they looked directly AT the computer!
p>Rob Willington deserves a GREAT deal of credit for cyberizing our operations – first steps may look shaky to you erudite mavens, but they’ve been taken!
p>You have a kind soul, Cos.
Frankly I’m surprised to see you gloatingly kick someone when they’re down.
p>Personally I think the Mass GOP has made good strides this year and I like the video.
It was definitely to communicate to the activist community. To show that the party has done grassroots building activities. During the reign of Mitt Romney and even before the party had no focus on the grassroots and all the focus was on the Governors office despite having unlimited resources.
p>This video also shows the e-campaign stuff we are doing. Including web 2.0. What web 2.0 initiatives are the massdems doing. Oh thats right they stopped and basically decided that Bluemassgroup was all the web 2.0 they needed.
p>The Party this year has done more to build the core of the grassroots than 16 years of Welduciftomnealey.
While Rob Willington may have introduced the Mass. GOP to the 20th century, he also ties it directly to Vote On Marriage and the GOP social conservative movement. It seems an odd strategy to regain two party status in this state.
p>The sideshow is definitely creepy, but anyone who’s been to a “Young” Republicans meet-up knows it’s an accurate portrayal.
p>I’m a registered independent, but also a gay male. The new messaging may appeal to people like EaBo and demolisher, but it’s a huge turnoff for me.
p>There’s a reason people like Greer Swiston bury their party affiliation in their news archives.
Next we’ll hear about their wide stance.
Though, if any Republican party might flirt with grassroots (not just “be our army” but real grassroots, relinquishing control and decentralizing) it would probably be in a state like MA.
p>Besides, at this point, what do they got to lose by trying?