this is cut and paste, nothing I can ad …
From: “Shaun @ Start The Revolution”
Subject: Well, what can I say? No Recount in New Hampshire!
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 12:28:35 -0000
I do not know where to begin with all of this so I will just lay out the basic facts as they are being reported to me:
The state of New Hampshire ballot appeared to have been tampered with.
The people of America (and about half of the world too!) pulled together to sign a petition and have their voice heard, across the aisle, in an effort that has seen both Democrats and Republicans call for a recount of the ballots for the state of New Hampshire.
The Secretary of State placed a January 15th @ 15:00 deadline for the $55,600 to be handed over to cover the cost of the recount.
The money was raised by, again, people from all walks of life who simply wanted to see that every vote was counted.
At the very last moment, PayPal froze the Granny Warriors account and refused to release the funds whilst they “investigated” a “suspicious” $1000 donation.
The money could not be handed over and thus, at this point in time, it appears that the recount will NOT take place.
So, the following is what we are meant to believe:
PayPal have clearly not been paying ANY attention to what has been happening during this campaign and thus have no idea how quickly and in what amounts the Ron Paul Revolution is able to raise funds.
PayPal were clearly unaware that Ron Paul supporters were in the majority of those donating to this effort and would likely break the target REGARDLESS of what last minute donations were required.
PayPal were so unlucky during the four days that this appeal ran that they managed to:
Crash the original ChipIn at least 3 times making it impossible during this time to donate any money at all.
Destroy the original ChipIn altogether after around $40,000 had been donated requiring the Granny Warriors to start a new ChipIn for the remaining monies.
Crash the new ChipIn for about 2 hours on and off on the final fundraising date.
Stop the recount by denying that all and any funds received are now frozen (note: NOT just the $1000 which, by this point, was no longer needed as we were over the top by then) pending an investigation into where a perfectly decent sized donation came from.
The Secretary of State is unable to stretch the deadline or accept that said funds exist regardless of the amount of documented evidence placed on his desk.
This entirely calamitous and accidental chain of events was, at no point whatsoever, manipulated by anybody to ensure that this recount never took place.
I am sorry but I do not believe for one second that 1 through 4 could possibly have happened without 5 being false.
I never will either.
This is democracy being stolen, right in front of our eyes and we are watching it, some in disbelief, some in denial, all in bond.
America has been stolen and the vote with it.
I do not know what comes next. What new horrors? What new wars? What new laws?
I fear for the future of America.
Best wishes and good luck,
Further info to this unfolding junta at:…
You would think that the New Hampshire election workers would have been grateful for the O.T…somebody apparently really didn’t want the votes to be recounted.
So why is it that they’re recounting the Dems but not the GOP, according to multiple news sources?
p>BTW, if you can actually answer the question rather than throwing innuendo my way it would be refreshing and appreciated.
Withough being physicaly there, the only explanations I can pass along are referenced by the above link to BBV which apparently has again taken upon itself to act as the unofficial “observer”
Also the grannywarriors website is helpful to track the history and progress of the GOP effort. They served as fundraiser’s.
The situation is still liquid but it appears that thanks to provisions in “THE PATRIOT ACT” a transfer of the funds necesary to facilitate the recount (per order of the NH Sec of State) has been flagged as “suspicious” and might be held up for “up to six months” rendering it six months too late to get a recount.
Rumours are flying now about some new funding source but that rumour is of unknown validity as of this time.
If you realy want to stay up to date you can always visit PrisonPlanet as I am sure Alex Jones is on fire today.
Enjoy đŸ™‚
You couldnt make up stories any wilder than the stuff that is actualy happening.
You just know someone in the MSM is sitting back looking at this fiasco and is so tempted to actualy say something on the air ..
p>But anyhow, as of 4 pm Wednesday, members of the RP Revolution, defenders of constitutional government, have overcome the obstacle that is called the PATRIOT ACT and somehow found funding to satisfy the NH Sec of State …
p>How long have people been railing against this PATRIOT act?
p>Who could write a better script than to have a citizens group, concerned about possible “mishandling” of vote counting, wind up being thwarted by obscure measures in the PATRIOT ACT that can at any time stop the transfer of funds between any two parties.
p>This script belongs in Hollywood.
p>Anyhow as of now, Albert Howard is asking that observers show themselves in Concord for the fun and games to begin.
Be sure to bring your friends and family for a fun filled exposition of civic responsibilty.
but zero, less than zero “publicity” over it.
Let me know where and when to sign up for the milita.
From The BradBlog ….
p>….for now, the Kucinich team is putting out the word that they need more observers for the election contest hand-counts in New Hampshire immediately. If you are available to get there, they are counting every day starting at 9:00 a.m. at the State Archives Building, 71 South Fruit Street, Concord, New Hampshire. Contact lead Kucinich attorney Manny Krasner on the scene. Bring video cameras and lots of blank tapes if you can.”
p>>>or we can content ourselves to be content with propogandists FAUX25’s view election auditing ..