Just starting to surface on the internet are excerpts from Sible Edmonds.
The corruption is as vast as the collective imagination of Satanic souls.
Nuclear proliferation, prostitution, arms trading all rolled up in one.
http://www.chris-floyd.com/Art… and_the_Way_of_the_World/
I am left in a state of rapturous joy at the prospect of real news after the “coverage”(insane talking bobbleheads) of the NH primary.
Please share widely!
sabutai says
…but it’s been a year of forebearance.
p>If you would be so kind, sir, I would invite you to answer the three and a half questions underneath. I’m not sarcastic, just genuinely curious:
p>Do you believe that Satan, as depicted in Christian eschatology, is a factual and present consciousness?
p>Do you further believe the he/it currently has or will soon have an agent on Earth working actively and knowingly to bring about an end to humankind?
p>How does one detect the difference between Satanic evil, and common human myopia and greed — or is there a difference? Is bad luck just that, or something more?
lasthorseman says
p>2. NO
p>3. Humans are going to bring about their End.
p>I do have a true belief in the absolute control exerted upon governments by globally oriented organizations. This is factual and easily see with even a BS in business. The End of America is thus a simple business decision. 300 million vs 6 billion, should the choice not be obvious?
p>The true phenomena is that most people are good and don’t even fathom the depths of evil that do exist.
As an edge this “Lasthorseman” theme has not proven highly beneficial in blogging. I had hoped at the time it might have some “shock” value. I should abandon any religion theme simply because it “worked” for Huckabee.
p>Even though I am “American” I have grown to absolutely loathe, I mean stab somebody in the face over most things “American”. Not American in what we were, just what America is today.
I view that and the subliminal propaganda “press” for our demise.