It has been confirmed that the thought waves of a four inch crooked white snake (serpens albus bubbus) controlled the actions of a sitting U.S. President for eight years.
It has been confirmed that the thought waves of a four inch crooked white snake (serpens albus bubbus) controlled the actions of a sitting U.S. President for eight years.
p>In the Whitewater depositions Clinton claimed it was eight inches and for four years. Course, that perjury thing….
It’s a shame that your website’s generally high level of sophisticated analysis on a myriad of issues is so often interupted by this irrational hatred of Governor Romney. There have been no crushing losses; he remains a legitimate candidate. You may disagree with him and believe his evolution of political positions is not worthy of your support, but this man has left a trail of success throughout his career.
Let’s get back to some more mature analysis.
a lost sense of humor has been found at the front entrance. Whoever lost it, please pick up any white courtesy phone.
This is not real?
Tell me you guys don’t laugh every time that crashing blimp is put up. You’ve long past the point of being funny – it’s like listening to 5 year olds tell the same joke over and over.
Seriously, I do enjoy your in depth analysis of many issues – including many MA state issues that are not aired in this manner anywhere else, but knee jerk Romney bashing is beyond the pale. Let’s have some real solid policy discussions with a little humor mixed in, not absurd, mindless insults with an occasional intelligent comment.
The final tally in MI will be interesting to say the least.
Let’s have some real solid policy discussions with a little humor mixed in, not absurd, mindless…
Absurd? Mindless? Isn’t that the hallmark of a Romney campaign?
…nobody is forcing yuu to click onto the web site.
p>I found the graphic at the top somewhat humorous. And somewhat interesting. I was surprised that scientists could induce a monkey to walk on a treadmill.
I’m not adding to the maturity level, but I found a typo in your post, fixed below:
p>… but this man has left a trail of success throughout his career in the private sector.
p>Sure, the 2002 Olympics were sort of a public sector endeavor, but Mitt’s skill there was private-sector flavored (not a judgment, just a categorization).
Romney’s stewardship of 2002 averted disaster because Bush dumped hundreds of millions into the SLC Games at the last minute. That money went to pay for security, the security money covered the deficit.
p>In terms of share of budget, 2002 was probably the most publicly underwritten games in America.
got a linkie? That’s fascinating stuff.
p>The question is: given that more security was deemed necessary in SLC, how do you untie the gov’t money and security budget from SLC and, say, Atlanta?
Nevada state taxpayers chipped in a lot of tax money as well, for stadiums as well as infrastructure. No links.
p>Regarding Mitt’s crown jewel, Staples, it would actually be interesting to know how much of that was financed by taxpayers: Industrial Revenue Bonds (or whatever they’re called now), property tax abatements, etc.
given that SLC is in Utah, why would Nevada chip in? Were a significant portion of the SLCO played in Nevada?
Was that even though the SLC Games had heavy public sector involvement, managing it was more similar to managing a private corporation than to being an elected official. There was a clear objective, fewer involved stakeholders, etc.
BMG could have given Mitt some respect, but they haven’t.
p>BMG could have given equal time for pro Romney posts, but they haven’t.
p>BMG could have posted a link to Romney’s site, but they haven’t.
p>Who is going to give Mitt the respect he deserves. Peter Porcupine and a fledgling site I just happened across –
p>It appears to be run in part by someone named Harry Keeley. Hmm, I wonder who that is….
p>Is this the same people as DemsForHealy?
never heard of them.
Is a comment from a HubPolitics discussion of the first Gubernatorial debate. In the interest of keeping the current thread pure, I’ll limit my excerpt to this snippet involving the Mittster.
p>Was it me or was Deval in the gutter all night long? Why did he have to bring up the Big Dig? He knows full well that Kerry Healey and Mitt Romney have done everything possible to fix the Big Dig. Kerry rightfully defended herself by pointing out that for the last four years they have tried. It’s just not possible for a Republican to affect any positive change on the Big Dig in four years. Now drop it Deval before you loose your State Police escort.
BMG could have given equal time for pro Romney posts, but they haven’t.
p>…I had been led to believe that BMG allows for user posts. I’ve posted a few. A number of them are listed over to the right. It does appear to be true that BMG is primarily a Dem-oriented site (so why should they post a link to Romney’s site?), but I’ve noted more than a few GOP-oriented posts listed to the right.
You are like a dog (but not a pit bull!) with a bone when it comes to Romney.
p>But you should be a little embarassed that the first thing on the front page all day long has been this monkey robot thing and there has been no mention at all of this.
Is anyone saddened by the situation that monkey is in, working in a laboratory with electrodes in her brain? I wonder what kind of life and life expectancy she has?
but if it requires 10,000 dead monkeys to help a few humans walk again, I’m all for it provided that the pain and suffering the monkeys go through is as minimal as possible without interfering with the research.
p>Cognitive Neural Scientists have hacked the skulls off of a huge number of mammals. What do they have to show for it? Tricks like this — where people can already with some success control robotic appendages or computers without using any muscle movement. This has tremendous promise, potential, and current success for para/quadriplegics, amputees, and others.
It has been confirmed that the thought waves of a four inch crooked white snake (serpens albus bubbus) controlled the actions of a sitting U.S. President for eight years.
p>In the Whitewater depositions Clinton claimed it was eight inches and for four years. Course, that perjury thing….
It’s a shame that your website’s generally high level of sophisticated analysis on a myriad of issues is so often interupted by this irrational hatred of Governor Romney. There have been no crushing losses; he remains a legitimate candidate. You may disagree with him and believe his evolution of political positions is not worthy of your support, but this man has left a trail of success throughout his career.
Let’s get back to some more mature analysis.
After experiencing four years of Romney-style governance, I’d say that antipathy toward him is completely rational.
a lost sense of humor has been found at the front entrance. Whoever lost it, please pick up any white courtesy phone.
This is not real?
Tell me you guys don’t laugh every time that crashing blimp is put up. You’ve long past the point of being funny – it’s like listening to 5 year olds tell the same joke over and over.
Seriously, I do enjoy your in depth analysis of many issues – including many MA state issues that are not aired in this manner anywhere else, but knee jerk Romney bashing is beyond the pale. Let’s have some real solid policy discussions with a little humor mixed in, not absurd, mindless insults with an occasional intelligent comment.
The final tally in MI will be interesting to say the least.
Courtesy of the ever humorless RedMassGroup, Join the Ron Paul Air Force with your own Personal Blimp
my heartfelt gratitude to the BMGers who helped make that blimp comment one of BMG’s highest rated ever.
p>* sniff* you guys are just the greatest!
the blimp was his invention during the “Tom Reilly for Governor” campaign.
p>David, credit where credit is due.
long ago.
If the major Massachusetts Democratic blog is not tirelessly derisive of Romney, who’s going to be? Isn’t it one of our national responsibilities?
p>No shirkers here.
DAGS wrote
Absurd? Mindless? Isn’t that the hallmark of a Romney campaign?
…nobody is forcing yuu to click onto the web site.
p>I found the graphic at the top somewhat humorous. And somewhat interesting. I was surprised that scientists could induce a monkey to walk on a treadmill.
I’m not adding to the maturity level, but I found a typo in your post, fixed below:
p>… but this man has left a trail of success throughout his career in the private sector.
p>Sure, the 2002 Olympics were sort of a public sector endeavor, but Mitt’s skill there was private-sector flavored (not a judgment, just a categorization).
Romney’s stewardship of 2002 averted disaster because Bush dumped hundreds of millions into the SLC Games at the last minute. That money went to pay for security, the security money covered the deficit.
p>In terms of share of budget, 2002 was probably the most publicly underwritten games in America.
got a linkie? That’s fascinating stuff.
p>The question is: given that more security was deemed necessary in SLC, how do you untie the gov’t money and security budget from SLC and, say, Atlanta?
I suck at wikispaces so no idea how to get to it from the front page of the Romney Research Center, but the search spits it up:
p>Salt Lake City Olympics.
Nevada state taxpayers chipped in a lot of tax money as well, for stadiums as well as infrastructure. No links.
p>Regarding Mitt’s crown jewel, Staples, it would actually be interesting to know how much of that was financed by taxpayers: Industrial Revenue Bonds (or whatever they’re called now), property tax abatements, etc.
given that SLC is in Utah, why would Nevada chip in? Were a significant portion of the SLCO played in Nevada?
Was that even though the SLC Games had heavy public sector involvement, managing it was more similar to managing a private corporation than to being an elected official. There was a clear objective, fewer involved stakeholders, etc.
BMG could have given Mitt some respect, but they haven’t.
p>BMG could have given equal time for pro Romney posts, but they haven’t.
p>BMG could have posted a link to Romney’s site, but they haven’t.
p>Who is going to give Mitt the respect he deserves. Peter Porcupine and a fledgling site I just happened across –
p>It appears to be run in part by someone named Harry Keeley. Hmm, I wonder who that is….
p>Is this the same people as DemsForHealy?
never heard of them.
Is a comment from a HubPolitics discussion of the first Gubernatorial debate. In the interest of keeping the current thread pure, I’ll limit my excerpt to this snippet involving the Mittster.
p>Was it me or was Deval in the gutter all night long? Why did he have to bring up the Big Dig? He knows full well that Kerry Healey and Mitt Romney have done everything possible to fix the Big Dig. Kerry rightfully defended herself by pointing out that for the last four years they have tried. It’s just not possible for a Republican to affect any positive change on the Big Dig in four years. Now drop it Deval before you loose your State Police escort.
BMG could have given equal time for pro Romney posts, but they haven’t.
p>…I had been led to believe that BMG allows for user posts. I’ve posted a few. A number of them are listed over to the right. It does appear to be true that BMG is primarily a Dem-oriented site (so why should they post a link to Romney’s site?), but I’ve noted more than a few GOP-oriented posts listed to the right.…
You are like a dog (but not a pit bull!) with a bone when it comes to Romney.
p>But you should be a little embarassed that the first thing on the front page all day long has been this monkey robot thing and there has been no mention at all of this.
Is anyone saddened by the situation that monkey is in, working in a laboratory with electrodes in her brain? I wonder what kind of life and life expectancy she has?
but if it requires 10,000 dead monkeys to help a few humans walk again, I’m all for it provided that the pain and suffering the monkeys go through is as minimal as possible without interfering with the research.
p>Cognitive Neural Scientists have hacked the skulls off of a huge number of mammals. What do they have to show for it? Tricks like this — where people can already with some success control robotic appendages or computers without using any muscle movement. This has tremendous promise, potential, and current success for para/quadriplegics, amputees, and others.
p>Besides, it’s either that or more Shakespeare, almost surely.
Students can do it with off the shelf equipment!…