In IA:
It was Barack Hussien Obama, the radical muslim who disses the US flag.
Then Bill Shaheen with the drug refernce.
Finally a mailer. A faux Edwards vs. Obama mailer.
When she lost, they thumbed their nose at the caucus.In NH:
They feed Jim Demers to the wolves.
Cried Wolf on Robo-calls.
Lied about Barack position on choice.In MI:
She ran alone and claimed victory.In NV:
They fanned the flames of a lawsuit to upset the caucus.
They misinformed caucus workers to suppress the vote.
They split the CWU.
They came away with less delegates and claimed victory.In SC:
They played the race card, big time.
They pranced the ex-president around.
They are framing a black vs. white raceIn CA:
They are using Black vs. Brown racial tensions.In MA:
They have a state congressional leader use a feud with the governor to play against Obama.
A disgusted Lorna Brett Howard, former president of Chicago-area NOW, switched from Clinton to Obama over the mailer I highlighted above.