The Five Brothers Blog, which has occasionally been given a few sharp elbows on this blog, deserves credit for the prank phone call Matt Romney arranged to his father just before the Michigan primary, which they posted here:
Our former Governor, who has been taking some heat today on the subject of the economy, also deserves some credit, I think, for keeping his cool during the telephone call. Pretty good, I have to say.
Please share widely!
Haven’t you been paying attention to Peter Porcupine? All us libruls hate Romney, on a visceral, personal, irrational level, which has nothing to do with his campaign or his policy positions or his spectacularly successful term as Governor. That means our irrational hatred blinds us to even the slightest positive or humane element of his character! We’re incapable of seeing anything good about him!
p>Seriously, keep up with the memos, would ya?
willard has a history of pranksterism and petty crime (forging his father’s official signature, making up a glorious civil rights family history, etc). he also hires guys who play cop dress-up and harass the press. so why should i believe that he wasn’t aware of the impending ‘gag’? especially since a camera was rolling in his face while he was doing nothing more than scarfing a grease bomb. i’m sure Honest Willard was already suspicious before the fake call came through.
p>btw, anyone note the numbers the son was dialing and see who really answers? how dumb is it to film what numbers you’re dialing?
whether for comic relief or in all sincerity (sometimes hard to tell which, eh? đŸ˜‰
p>forgot to mention that i do love a good piece of performance art. or even honest attempts at it…
but it still made me laugh, staged or not. It’s a lot better than that phony ‘Family Decision’ video that Romney put out.
p>Anything with Ahnold’s voice in it will usually makes me chuckle, unless of course I was a California resident who believed Ahnold when he said he could balance the budget without cutting services.
Maybe Mitt thought that Ahnold was calling to borrow some money. Recall Cray Davis!
That really is not a very funny prank on the part of Mitt’s son. I wonder what kind of hilarious hijinx he would pull in the Oval Office, were his father ever President.
just kidding dad. you can un-push that big red launch button now. hey, my shirt just melted.
p>Miss less with missiles.
p>(BYOB = bring your own blimp)
All these new fangled blimps, they don’t look as good as the original Romney blimp. When are you going to give up and show the original one?
“Hey Dad, I found the weapons of mass destruction!”
“Dad, I’ve got proof here that Iraq was linked to 9/11!”
“Hey Dad, I arranged a press conference on your plans to combat global warming!”
“Dad, I just told those oil company execs not to come near the White House!”
“Pops, I want you to nominate a judge who believes in civil rights!”
“Dad, I just told the press that you think teachers should have a voice in our education system!”
“Daddy, I just threw out the lobbyists!”
Somewhere on the web there is an Ahnold soundboard, which is how they did this. Pretty good, I have to say as well.
p>I did however, get a bigger laugh from the BMG-patented hair-on-fire response to a Romney post, any Romney post. All you need is the blimp and it will be all set.
No Romney bash, no matter how absurd, is complete without the blimp.
p>I think you should incorporate it into the logo. Have it blowing up near Provincetown.
Now go ahead. Make my day…..…
Pretty funny. From his reaction it looks like this was not the first time it’s happened. That must have been a good sandwich, he didn’t skip a beat after hanging up.
…is the revelation of who is behind the whole thing. Too bad they 5 Brothers weren’t savvy enough to follow through and bring the prank to completion with the “Gotcha, dad!” moment.