The great responsibility of democracy is to study and make up our own minds as citizens.
Both Sean Garballey and Jeff Thielman have received major endorsements.
But I do not choose who to vote fror based on who endorsed a candidate, but on my own direct and personal study, experience, and decision making.
As a result, I am supporting Sean Garballey because Sean is the person I would prefer to be representing me at the state house. I say this because I was the Legislative Director for the Massachusetts Association of Court Appointed Attorneys [MACAA] for three years myself, and became extremely familiar with the State House culture, and the “dance of legislation”, as well as the budget process and how it works.
Having seen Sean Garballey in action, and having seen Jeff Thielman in action, and interacted with both of them, I personally prefer Sean Garballey’s style of communication and problem solving.
This is a result of direct, personal observation and experience – not because of who may have endorsed either of them. It is my opinion that Sean Garballey’s personality, style of interaction, and ability to absorb and work with detail in a positive, responsive manner will be extremely productive at the State House. His style is not “my way or the highway”, but rather that of a respectful participant.
The capacity to listen, add to his agenda, and incorporate the point of view of others is a strong point of Sean’s and one which I feel will render him effective in the culture of the State House.
I observed that representatives who were perceived as rigid, or elitist, or who had “too set an agenda” did not advance, and had trouble with coalition building.
I expect that each voter in the district will make up their own mind, based on their own criteria as I did.
After all, that IS what democracy is about. I am a voter in the 23rd Middlesex, and have had the opportunity to observe all the candidates, not only in the debate, but in many situations and circumstances.
Deborah Sirotkin Butler
I mean, so what else is new?