I’m driving the canvassing Prius (very good for no fumes idling between houses) so I can sneak a bit of BMG via Treo in between stops. Be kind to any typos – not much keyboard and my eyesight isn’t as good as it used to be with the tiny screen. Big Obama contingent here this morning, including many students from UNH. Many other campaigns spotted out and about – canvassers for JE, Ron Paul, Romney; Hillary visibility crew. Weather OK for January. Some of the undecideds sounding pretty weary of campaign outreach – but how can they STILL have not made up their minds? Lots of signs for Republican candidates. Clearly we need more MA residents to colonize S. New Hampshire. Any good canvassing stories from today?
Today in Manchester
Please share widely!
hlpeary says
they just aren’t telling the 500th campaign volunteer who calls, knocks or harrasses, what their decision is…
p>My sister in East Kingston, NH was with Biden…today she said she will go for Hillary…it’s that inconvenient experience thing with her…her husband is going McCain, he’s sick to death of the religious stuff and is going with the “straight talker veteran”…he says if he hears one Biblical reference from any candidate, he will tune them out for the duration.
p>Her daughter, mother of two public school aged kids, was with Senator Clinton from the beginning and is happy to have her mother come over to her side…
bean-in-the-burbs says
First post-Iowa poll – has Obama up 37% to 27% over Clinton. Details here.
p>Drove home through Nashua and stopped for dinner – great dueling visibilities for Obama and Clinton on Main Street. Style points for the Obama crew – homemade signs and rhyming chants. Several Edwards supporters arrived later – spotted our Obama buttons and greeted us with a hearty “Hey, at least you’re not for Romney!!” We couldn’t agree more.
p>January thaw forecast for Tuesday – temperatures in the high 50’s and clear. Should be a good day for campaign volunteers and for turn out.
leonidas says
I canvassed today for Edwards in Seabrook, which is a largely lower-middle income area with a high median age demographic.
p>- Suprisingly little interest in the race. There were a lot of undecideds and people resistant to outreach (like exp. of poster above)
p>- Suprisingly little campaign visibility & activity for both parties.
p>- Voters I talked to (Likely Dem primary voters) had positive feelings about Edwards and Clinton. Many were undecided between the two.
p>- I didn’t find any Obama supporters/leaners out there. There were a few negative (and sometimes racist) comments about Obama.
cadmium says
Downtown Manchester today. Did not see any Obama signs downtown. Lots of Obama pinned people though. Had lunch in Merrimack cafe with a couple Hillary supporters —Very pleasant and not adversarial at all. Chatted a lot with the young Kucinich supporters on Elm St — I agree with them on being appalled that he is not in tonights debates. There were Edwards signs all over the place. Did not meet an Edwards supporter in person. There was a contingent of McCain supporters (all looking to be their thirties) on one side of the street–they were yelling back and forth with the teenaged/early twenties Kucinich supporters about the war. It was reasonably good-natured. On the opposite corner were a few Ron Paul supporters sticking up for the Kucinich kids. Manchester sidewalks overall seemed more Hillary than anyone else.