It has now been more than a year since Senor Kennedy led the charge to defeat passage of legislation that would have allowed Americans to purchase their prescription drugs at a much lower cost in Canada ..
And while greatful for the drastic improvements to the legislation that Senor Kennedy promised would someday appear, no substitute legislation has yet been introduced … The fleecing of American consumers continues unabated.
Now just yesterday we get news that the house and president have reached agreement on an economic stimulus package.
Meanwhile, over in the Senate
“where Democrats such as Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts promise to try to add elements such as extending unemployment benefits for workers whose benefits have run out, boost home heating subsidies and raise food stamp benefits.”…
Will Kennedy again pile the plate so high that he will again satisfy himself to walk away with absolutly nothing?
The Dems capitulated by ceding the elements of the package that would provide the most potent stimulus.
p>What we have now is too little, too late.
This plan appears to give $1800 to a family that earns $150K. Will they run out and spend it? Who knows.
p>But if you applied those same dollars to families on food stamps, or people struggling to pay the heating bill that has doubled, then, yes, that money would absolutely get spent right away.
p>I hope Kennedy and all Democrats stand up for working families and get away from the idea that every time you give a dollar to someone who needs it, you have to give $1800 to someone who earns $100K or more.
Wouldnt the pure number of people in that 100-150 K range be insignificant?
Last time I checked, we as a family unit were in the 70th percentile while earning in the 60s …
So my guessing goes on to believe that to get to the 150K range we would be talking about people in the top tenth, maybe even top 5%?
p>So my quick cost analysis says that to toss 1200$ at people earning in that higher range will cost very little of the total package (simply not enough people involved), but by doing so the image of the package being a “tax rebate” holds somewhat true.
As it is a large slice is being paid out to people that didnt pay tax at all. You further propose stopping payment to those that do pay tax?
There is a name for such programs and they dont tend to pass in Washington. This bill will.
I’m not saying its the greatest thing but I personaly wouldnt mind the money and I dont think you would either. Or instead should we wait for some gasbag to feed us more tired rhetoric as a placebo instead.
Hmmm .. tough call.
p>This plan doesn’t “give” $1800 to a family that earns $150K, it lets them keep more of their own taxes.
p>Yes, those folks on food stamps would definitely spend any additional funds but they’re not the ones paying those dollars in taxes.
Imagine being so poor that you don’t have to pay any taxes.
Except sales tax…
and payroll taxes…
and excise taxes…
and property taxes…
but other than that, they live absolutely tax free!
I’m tired of the “keep your own money” canard. When you go to a potluck empty handed and leave with a full stomach, did you “keep your own fried chicken” or were you just selfish?
p>You don’t earn $150K without making use of our public infrastructure. You likely went to our schools, worked with, hired or were hired by someone who went to our schools, drove on our roads, cashed your check at a bank insured and regulated by our government, and were protected by our police and fire departments.
p>But now it’s “keep your own money” on the right hand while your left hand grabs onto as many public resources as you can carry from the buffet.
p>I agree with this 100%.
p>But the people making $150K are paying quite a bit in taxes and they are already paying for those things.
p>The folks receiving food stamps you referred to earlier are not paying income taxes, or at least not at the level the high-earners are.
p>The United States has a progressive tax system. High earners pay high taxes.
p>Your potluck dinner analogy is a lousy one. High earners are already supplying most of the food at that dinner. This plan says they have to bring less chicken next time around.
If I thought the $1200 welfare check would actually materially stimulate the economy I’d be happy to see people get it. As it stands I feel like the government reached into my pocket and gave the cash to the guy down the street because I wasn’t spending fast enough.
First, to stimulate the economy you get the money in circulation. Maybe you wouldn’t spend it quickly enough on a high def TV, but is that even the point? If I have to explain to you that dollars spent on heating assistance, food stamps, and unemployment benefits are more humane and moral, well, then I wonder where your parents went wrong.
p>Second, if the $1200 in assistance keeps you from losing another 2% on your 401(k), don’t you actually come out ahead? If you’re earning $150K and you’re 40, you should have $450K in the bank by now. Preventing a stock market hit of even 2% keeps $7K in your pocket.
p>Third, it’s true that top wage earners pay more in taxes, but they also pay a lower percentage overall (like in social security) and it’s less painful for them. If they’re short one month it means less money into the college fund, not having the heat shut off.
The only thing worse than gridlock is a bipartisan plan that gets agreement this quickly. You just know that we’ll be hearing in 2 months about the provisions that nobody read about or the unintended consequences of some badly worded passage in the bill.
which passes “quickly” should be saved for future reference in documenting the deliberate calculated methods the government uses in destroying America.
p>Basically 85% of the population might “get back” 1800, which means 75% will go on the blow 5000.
p>They also “stand down” psychologically and return to the semi-comatose state they were in before the “news” of Apocalyptic disasters (pick your favorite) rises to the level of waking people up.
p>Try as I might to rally people behind De-Bushification they are going to take the money, run and shut up.
p>All I get is an Apocalyptic horse ride out of the deal!
I never said anything about shutting up, I just said that I would gladly take the money. The way I see it, they either give it back to us or throw it away constructing some shiny new bombing targets overseas and personaly I have more constructive uses for the cash.
Besides, last I checked there wasnt any pledge reequirement involved in cashing the checks so feel free to join me in cursing out El Busho while waiting in line at the ATM to deposit his offering. đŸ™‚
I rant not against you, and til death shall we de-bushify.
p>The thoughts start around does this “rebate” hasten the path towards depression. We are after all infusing more cash to overseas assholes while they ship us cheap plastic junk.