as official pResidential selectee.…
Instead of offering solutions to real issues all of these candidates dare not mention the unmentionables, the real key issues of today and not those think tank meme filters coming out of K Street focus groups geared toward the mentality of a thirteen year olds and a “media” telling us what and how to think. only provides a small glimpse into the pervasive and extensive let’s destroy America meme.
You can and you will of course deny the existence of something so vast and so evil it can not be comprehended. That does not mean it is not very real.
It is quite liberating though knowing that being an American Patriot means I should proudly become an enemy of the state. The real problem is that we actually can’t get to our real enemies, the few, the Satanic, the Skull and Bones members. The Bloombergs of the world, those so far insulated from the concerns of the common man, and we are retarded enough to give them positions of expanded power.
Happy New Year proles I’m just here to watch as the lifestyles crash into thirdworldlyness.