Get in touch with Lauren or Kate to find out where you are needed for canvassing. You can also help out by making calls!
Thanks for all your help!
Lauren Leeman
Kate Chang
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Please share widely!
I’m not able to join you, but its good to see Clinton supporters still active as I was starting to feel politically lonely. This blog has definitely become Obama territory.
Absolutely agree with you.
p>Case and Point: Obama canvassing information is posted on the front page. Hillary canvassing information has to be subjected to “recommended user posts” for any publicity.
p>I find it kind of disappointing actually, I thought this site was better than that.
because they don’t scroll down the page as new front page articles are added.
What do you mean by that? This site is an advocacy site among other things, and if we like a candidate we’ll try to support them. Witness the big box on the top right that says “BMG Editors Unanimously Endorse Obama.”
p>That doesn’t mean that we don’t welcome supporters of rival candidates to make their points, even McCain supporters, and insist that they be heard and treated politely. It seems to me we have done that, including promoting and even writing material critical of Obama when warranted.
p>We also have said that if Senator Clinton is the nominee we will support her, in contrast to the sometimes bitter anti-Clinton and anti-Obama invective that has been witnessed elsewhere.
p>Would you prefer that we pretended to be, “fair and balanced,” but really pushed sub rosa for our preferred candidate? Or perhaps what you mean is that you thought we were, “better than that,” in the sense that we would support your candidate đŸ˜‰
It’s just that I’ve seen a lot of anti-Hillary rhetoric on this page lately.(Which is fine. I understand that people have differing views on this issue and I am very open to constructive conversation) But when it comes to pointing out some of Senator Obama’s faults or questions about his past, they are either attacked viciously or deleted entirely.
p>I love this site, and am proud to have been a part of it for so long. I just don’t want it to fall into the same category as other organizations (say, MoveOn.Org for one) that once stood for healthy progressive values, but now apparently includes denouncing Clinton as worse than Bush and promoting Obama as if he is the second coming of the Lord. So just don’t let that happen and we’ll be fine.
As I responded in the thread on my post that “experience” was not a good theme for Senator Clinton: I personally am happy to front page timely, substantive, interesting posts that support Senator Clinton — or Senator McCain for that matter. I might draw the line at Ralph Nader đŸ˜‰
p>If there are attacks that violate our Rules of the Road, which mandate substance and civility, I’d be grateful if you could please point them out to me. As to deleted entirely, do you have any examples? I’m not aware of that having happened, but there might be something I missed.
p>For the record, I think it is entirely unwarranted to denounce Senator Clinton. Reasoned disagreement, fine. Passionate appeals based on deeply held personal opinions and experiences, fine. But denunciations, and invective, no thanks.
Although I wish I and others could have convinced you that Hillary Clinton is the best candidate for President, I can live with your endorsement. Besides, with your endorsement track record, I know it means Hillary Clinton will ultimately be the nominee. đŸ˜‰
Well, we’ll see about that! But there certainly are examples to support your assessment!