I’ve seen a little information about caucuses, so I thought that I’d start an open thread. The way the schedule ran, I was only able to attend four caucuses today, and one last Sunday (waiver). Everything went smoothly. Because of my schedule, I was there before or after the voting. In my area I didn’t see much evidence of either senate campaign, although, as expected, there was quite a bit of interest in the Presidential campaign, and the Super Bowl. So what else do people have to report?
Please share widely!
is here.
Alternates and interested Democrats who are eligible are encouraged to for add-on delegates. The MassDems site has information and applications for add-on delegate.
p>This is the timeline.
p>1) The application deadline for add-ons is March 17, 2008.
p>2) The respective Democratic State Committee bodies:
– Caucus of Minority Democrats
– Affirmative Action and Outreach Sub-Committee
– Youth Service Sub-Committee
make recommendations to the full DSC for
– affirmative action
– people with disabilities
– youth
add-ons respectively.
p>3) At the May 10th DSC meeting the DSC will vote on the recommended candidates.
p>So the results won’t be official until after the DSC meeting.
p>I hope this helps.
I’d like to send in a youth add-on application. Is the DSC address the same as the MDP address?
p>Also, is there a fee involved for add-ons?
The Massachusetts Democratic Party is the address for the DSC. The address is 56 Roland Street, Suite 203, Boston, MA 02129.
p>Whether elected at caucus or through the add-on process, the Delegate/Alternate fee is $75 with a Senior/Disabled/Student fee of $50.
p>Just as an FYI any delegate for whom it is a financial hardship to pay the delegate fee, can apply for a waiver of all or part of the fee.
Just in case anyone was wondering, ex officio delegates pay the same fees as aother delegates.
Couldn’t fill our female slots, had some competition for the male slots. I was the only one mentioning O’Reilly-Kerry. There was some Hillary stuff available, nothing from Obama.
p>Incidentally, I have been given notice that no caucus was scheduled in Plympton or Marion, so anybody living in those towns can get together with 9 Democratic friends and hold their own caucus if they want, providing they notify the state party about it.