There is a box on the Massachusetts income tax form which allows one to pay at a higher rate, the rate before the rollback. I think it’s 5.85%. Why not check it? I do and pay about $200 more per year. Especially this year, as we receive the stimulant from the federal government. Shifting income from the federal to the state government seems attractive. Most stuff I might buy seems to come from sweatshops and wouldn’t add much value to my life. Better to pay a teacher salary or health care premium or upgrade to the infrastructure.
Let’s do it!
Please share widely!
Last time I saw statistics on this, there were 370 +/- in the STATE that did so, despite much rhetoric about needed to disregard the expressed wish of the voters some 8 years ago to lower the tax rate to 5%.
p>I remember one reporter who tried to poll members of the Progressive Caucus, to ask how many did so. The fact that they slammed him down citing ‘personal information, and declined to answer, spoke volumes to me – while they stood on the House floor urging the raising of tax rates, it would seem that they didn’t check the box themselves – else why would they not brag about it?
p>If you believe in it, you should do it – you MIGHT swell the ranks to 500!