Finally, an endorsement with a bit of real news in it. I personally hadn’t seen this important issue discussed before, and wasn’t aware of the vote.
David Rees, the author of the excellent Get Your War On series, endorses Obama. You can see the vote he is talking about here. You can read some comments on his letter at Huffington Post.
If you’re a friend of mine, or a fan of “Get Your War On,” you probably know how important the issue of cluster bombs and landmines is to me.
It was America’s use of cluster bombs during Operation: Enduring Freedom that led me to start GYWO seven(!) years ago this fall, and it has been my pleasure and my honor to donate the royalties from the two GYWO anthologies to Mine Detection & Dog Center Team #5, a landmine removal team in western Afghanistan.
If you ever attended a GYWO reading, you probably sat through my video of landmine removal teams in the field, or listened to me read off statistics about that dangerous mission, or indulged me by taking an informational flyer about MDC Team #5 and the sacred work they do.
(If you bought one of the GYWO books, you’ve helped that work, and I thank you.)
Cluster bombs and landmines are particularly terrifying weapons that wreak havoc on communities trying to recover from war. They are fatal impediments to reconstruction and rehabilitation of agricultural land; they destroy valuable livestock; they disable otherwise productive members of society; they maim or kill children trying to salvage them for scrap metal.
Over 150 nations have signed the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty. It pains me that our great nation has not. But in the autumn of 2006, there was a chance to take a step in the right direction: Senate Amendment No. 4882, an amendment to a Pentagon appropriations bill that would have banned the use of cluster bombs in civilian areas.
Senator Obama of Illinois voted IN FAVOR of the ban.
Senator Clinton of New York voted AGAINST the ban.
Analysts say Clinton did want to risk appearing “soft on terror,” as it would have harmed her electibility.
I’m not a single-issue voter. But as Obama and Clinton share many policy positions, this vote was revelatory for me. After all, Amendment No. 4882 was an easy one to vote against: Who’d want to risk accusation of “tying the hands of the Pentagon” during a never-ending, global War on Terror? As is so often the case, there was no political cost to doing the wrong thing. And there was no political reward for doing the right thing.
But Senator Obama did the right thing.
Is Senator Obama perfect? Of course not. Nobody who voted for 2005’s wack-ass energy bill is perfect. Nobody who voted to reauthorize the Patriot Act is perfect.
But of the two remaining Democratic candidates, one decided her vote on Amendment No. 4882 according to a political calculation. The other used a moral calculation.
I’m 35 years old, and over the years, I’ve had two experiences in the voting booth: I’ve voted for politicians I really respected, who I knew could never win. And I’ve voted for politicians I didn’t really respect, because I knew they could win.
Tomorrow, I’m going to vote for a politician I really respect, who I know can win.
I urge you to vote Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic Party’s nominee for President of the United States.
David Rees
Sen.Obama is exceptionally keen in these important matters. He understands how a war, if haphazardly waged, results in an aftermath that is prolonged, costly and even more horrible then it would be by default.
p>The aftermath is felt here in America, in our returning veterans and their families. Sen. Obama, as a member of the Senate’s Committee on Veterans Affairs, works continually to help ease the burden of those that have served our nation.
p>Many veterans, from both parties, recognize Sen.Obama’s committment to maintian and hold dear the “sacred trust.” John Hurley is one such veteran. His letter on the Huffington Post will further clearify the mutual trust and respect exchanged between Sen. Obama and America’s most honored and their families.
It’s really unfortunate, given what she could’ve been.
I agree. Political expediency seems to trump doing the right thing for both of the Clintons. Obama shows that principled voting (Iraq war, land mines etc) is the way to go, even if people don’t agree with him at least he stands behind his record. And he is respected for it. I have never seen Hillary admit a mistake or take responsibility for anything.
p>I have friends who exclaim “Obama has the most liberal voting record in all of the Senate!”. Yeah, so? At least he knows where he stands on issues instead of relying on polls to determine his own values. He’s not perfect, but more importantly he’s not Hillary.
p>I especially like this endorsement. It’s substantive without being preachy.
How is this:
p>Eighty (80) Gitmo Defense Lawyers Endorse Obama
by: Cannoneo
Tue Jan 29, 2008 at 19:33:11 PM EST
These endorsements demonstrate a truth I learned about Senator Obama very early on in his national career. He is a guy who has consistently stood up for his principles time and time again. We have here a candidate, honestly folks, who is far more liberal and progressive than his critics give him credit for but has found a way to use language, especially the language that has worked so well for the right, to frame progressive issues so even die hard Republicans vote for him.
p>The Bush years have taught me several things about politics. The first is that framing issues can in many ways, shape the debate more than the issues themselves. And the second is that governing in a Rovian slash and burn fashion while it might win elections will in the long run, cripple governments and prevent them from governing. Obama realizes that its time for a new realignment in politics and that we need to build a true coalition to govern. We will need Democrats, Republicans, moderates, independents, Paultards, every American really, to fight for what is right.
p>Consistently Obama has gotten support from people all over the place because they see in him a man with conviction, a man with principles, and a man with courage who can fight for what is right. He risked looking soft on terror by opposing both this land mine bill, opposing the Iran Terror Recognition Act, opposing the robbing of our civil liberties, and many more risky votes. Not to mention his early and consistent opposition to this god awful war, which was made at a time and place when the majority of his state and indeed the nation supported going in. Here is a man that will truly fight for America and Im proud to cast my vote for him!
While I agree that his record overall is good, the fact that Obama has a virulently anti-gay person as one of his advisors is a little bothersome to me, even though I’m straight, and, unfortunately, he’s gone from a more balanced point of view on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to a view that’s more in tune with AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), I voted for him over Hillary, because I thought Hillary was another give-away to excesses of corporations. Let’s hope Obama doesn’t get totally eaten up in November by the Republicans if he gets the Democratic nominee.
What advisor? I think you are mistaken.
Barack Obama also had an advisor named Donnie McClurkin, who’s well-known in the for his virulently anti-gay and Lesbian attitudes.