Biden 0.1%
Clinton 32.7%
Edwards 0.7%
Kucinich 0.6%
Obama 65.6%
Richardson 0.1%
Uncommitted 0.2%
But here’s the fun part:
These results determine the allocation of 4.5 delegate votes at the Democratic National Convention. Senator Obama won 2.5 delegate votes, and Senator Clinton 2 delegate votes. A further 2.5 votes will be determined at the Democrats Abroad Global Convention in April. In addition, Democrats Abroad holds 4 superdelegate votes. A total of 22 delegates, each with a half vote, will attend the Convention.
How’d you like to be a half-delegate? Ouch!
Please share widely!
I kept forgetting about this people. Through all the inanities of the caucus process, it still remains more democratic than Dems Abroad. To participate in choosing a third of their delegates, one has to be ready to fly to Geneva.
p>I was a bit involved with Dems Abroad while I was living outside the US, and a more dysfunctional group I can’t imagine. It basically consisted of almost entirely men with lots of time and money on their hands. There are over 600,000 American citizens living in Canada, and I never saw anything to indicate that more than 100 were involved with Democrats Abroad Canada.
Good points. I have been living abroad for about 5 years now and know the people who run Democrats Abroad in the Dominican Republic. There are tens of thousand of American expats here, but most are expats for a reason. Thus, very few get involved.
p>FYI: In 5 years abroad I have seen absolutely zero from Republicans abroad, organized or otherwise.
The Republican Party gives a notable budget to its GOP Abroad and Young Republicans branches…the Democrats don’t fund either.