In West Virginia.
Piping fresh, hot rumors here direct from the cesspit of unverifiability we call home: The Internets.
In truth, everything you write will be monitored by the NSA and geo-located to within a six-foot radius of where you are based on your IP address. This information will then be cross-referenced by Diebold or ES&S, via their shared voter registration database, and used to reprogram your vote based on whomever paid them the most money.
What have you got? Anyone notice the Aqua Teen Hunger Force lightboxes that went up near several polling places downtown, in the Back Bay, and in Medford?
This is your evening open thread for the primaries.
Incidentally, if you want to engage in shrill political bickering, please create your own diary as a forum for annoying back-and-forth. What we want here are rumors, entertaining personal anecdotes from election day, and emotional final pleas by over-tired campaign volunteers.
CNN has late-deciders with Obama up 1
p>Who will you be satisfied with in November?
Clinton 72
Obama 71
to remind everyone that exit polls can trend wrong (think Gore, Kerry, etc). I’m not believing anything until I read results on line tomorrow morning (or very, very late tonight). Kos will be my first stop and BMG my second, as usual. I don’t waste my time on newspapers or MSM any longer, especially when one is subjected to the “we knew the outcome all along”. Uggghhh. I’m listening to Begala right now, and he’ll be one of the “I knew it all along” MSM folks. Double Ugghh.
In Mass:
p>”the first two waves of results in Massachusetts show a “dead heat” between Hillary and Obama, and a 20-point margin for Romney among Republicans.”
p>from NRO
is not that well liked by Repubs in MA. There are many women who had exposure to his administration who can’t stand him. They dislike his treatment of Kerry Healey and consider him a sexist idiot. Again, I don’t buy into any of the MSM representations. George Stephanopoulos is another one who drives me nuts. He’s talking about MA being a Romney stronghold. Huh? It sometimes seems like nobody in the MSM has a frigging clue as to what they are talking about. Politics is local and fractious and subjective. I can’t think of one MSM person who actually gets it right. They are now calling Georgia for Barack on ABC based on the African American vote. I believe when I see.
The Associated Press is reporting that Huckabee got all 18 of WVs national convention votes. After the first ballot eliminated Ron Paul, McCain votes went to Huckabee.
I told you there was a conspiracy against me! All those dangerous “left wing” Republicans are banding together!
p>Used to be one myself ….
Mitt took the first ballot, something like 41% to Huckabee’s 33%, McCain in 3rd and Paul missing the cut. But when McCain’s supporters went over to Huckabee, he topped the 50% threshold and ended up with all 18 delegates.
Ward 3 precinct 1. Saw our favorite State Rep candidate and genuine status-quo challenger Patrick McCabe doing some visibility for himself … stopped and said hi.
p>Which reminds me: It’s never too early to throw Patrick some scratch in the new year. He’s gonna need it all.
I don’t support casinos
I’m don’t live in Medford/Malden so I haven’t been following closely. I didn’t see anything on his page.
I read the plug to be for the governor, not McCabe. I retract the comment, as I have no idea what McCabe’s casino position is.
p>I thought we were refering to candidates only by their surnames in order to avoid reinforcing the patriarchal stereotypes, etc.
My dozen or so co-workers with whom I spoke tilted heavily for Hillary, but we’re talking largely white middle-class women here.
p>About a quarter of the people I’ve spoken with today were undecided, including a conversation I overhead from two voters walking into the polling place. If the polls are “wrong”, that will be because the media “re-apportioned” the undecideds.
p>I saw Hillary signs at polling places in Wareham and Middleboro, and signholders (including me) at the second. Nothing from any others.
p>Why was my Democratic ballot red, and the Republican ones blue? Huh?
p>It sucks having your favorite candidate’s name staring at you, and voting for someone else. Sorry Guv.
calling Georgia for Obama.
From NRO:
with 3% in MA
p>it’s Hillary 59, Obama 36 …
WAPO reports that Romney has won MA.…
Polls haven’t closed there.
supports Mark of the Beast “666” Satanic microchips!
Huckabee supports Real ID act. Real ID by concept the most favorable “solution” would be surgically implanted Digital “Angel” identification microchips. Tamper proof, mandatory for everyone and truely illustrating the concept of Karma.
It’s done. MSNBC just called it……!!!!
MSNBC just called that state as well…..